1. Al, you are 100 % correct. Kosova is Serbian name. The real old name was Dardania, Ilirian, and Kosova only represents only 5 % of territory of Dardania.
    (Ari, 5 June 2020 04:40)

    There is no source to this claim anywhere, except a very critical article on Wiki about Albanian nationalism:


    As far as I understand, the same article in Albanian is very critical, too.


    The very first written document in Albanian are mentioned here:


    and here


    This is 15th century AC. With first written documents being about 2500 years after Troy, Russians and Serbs easily can claim to be Hittites and Hungarians being Shumerians.

    These claims would pre-date Dardania and you are back to the starting point.

    We should agree, the reality is not Age of Empires or Age of Legends from Microsoft.
    (Ataman, 5 June 2020 16:09)

    # Comment link

  2. Al, you are 100 % correct. Kosova is Serbian name. The real old name was Dardania, Ilirian, and Kosova only represents only 5 % of territory of Dardania.
    (Ari, 5 June 2020 04:40)

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  3. Kosovo is a Serbian word. How can the Albanians in Kosovo call their country in a Serbian name???
    Majority of them are actually ancestral Serbs.
    (Al, 4 June 2020 14:16)

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  4. The only long lasting solution is allow Kosovo to become a part of Albania and let Srbska join with Serbia
    (Union Lawyer, 4 June 2020 02:51)

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  5. Various court cases are going on between
    Mr Kurti and Mr Taci. Another tax imposed onto rep Serbia, a ban forbidding lorries to enter own country,
    And a tax imposed by Mr Kurti onto the albania.
    Much patience is required.
    (British, 3 June 2020 08:28)

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  6. He is in a hurry to resume the dialogue as soon as possible?
    I suggest he starts monologue, and see who joins later...
    (Sreten, 3 June 2020 07:32)

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  7. Absolutely correct no changing of territories Kosovo is a state of Serbia and don't forget UN1244.Anyone who is supporting Kosovo is breaking international law and if Kosovo goes, Serbian Republika MUST be able to join Serbia as one nation.Then and only then we will have peace in the Balkans.
    (drago, 3 June 2020 05:50)

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