1. Putin is desperate for more power as he fails to make any positive changes in Russia, even though he has been in power for 20 years. His regime is not producing any results internally or externally.

    @ kingaj - lol, hard for you to acknowledge Putin's success, Homer? lol, lol....that's ok...the world turns with or without you, my poor little fella, lol
    (Watcherovic, 16 January 2020 13:45)

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  2. Putin cannot be blamed for Russia's slow progress.The whole global financial system is geared to keeping Russia "in it's place" while the US and other western so-called democracies prosper. Add to that sanctions and greedy Russian oligarchs one can only feel sorry for the embattled Russian citizens and their champion Putin who seems to be quite a decent chap considering the people he has to deal with at home and abroad.
    (VP Fan Club, 16 January 2020 12:05)

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  3. Another "leader" in the likeness Bashar al-Assad or Saddam Hussein.
    (Make Serbia Great, 16 January 2020 10:31)

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  4. Putin is desperate for more power as he fails to make any positive changes in Russia, even though he has been in power for 20 years. His regime is not producing any results internally or externally.
    (King, 15 January 2020 17:54)

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