1. I do not understand what the government of Montenegro expects to gain from this. The Serbian Orthodox Church is not going away, the government is simply creating a problem for its self that may get out of control. Yes I understand they think the church is undermining them however the risk far outweighs any potential benefit they think may occur.
    Look at the history of the Balkans and ask yourself what was the PERCEIVED reason for the conflicts and loss of life
    Religion was an excuse used to start wars
    (Sam D, 29 December 2019 23:37)

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  2. Hard to witness how Montenegro for years now have committed genocide on the Serbian people. "Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part."//Wikipedia
    (VK, 28 December 2019 15:56)

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  3. Democratic, Sovreign rep of Montenegro that's how Milo Djukanovic wants all of us to remember.A fascist more apt.
    (Ljiljana, 28 December 2019 12:44)

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