1. Count of Kosovo........are you so full of hate that you ignore crimes against Serbs? I have said countless times that Serbs in jails probably deserve to be there. My questions to you are as follows......
    The Srebrenica incident was a direct result of Nesar Oric's murder of thousands of Serbian civilians in villages surrounding Srebrenica. Why do you ignore the crimes of Oric? The Sarajevo market place massacre was staged to blame Serbs. It's a proven fact. Any comments from you? Croats expelled up to 300k Serbs in '95, and nobody serving time in jail for that..... can you explain how this is possible? Croats murdered up to 1 million civilians in WW2. That is the biggest genocide ever in Balkans history. What's your view on that? Racak was a lie (read the Finnish expert team who were there first on the scene. You can read the full report on line). That's why The Hague has never wanted to prosecute anyone, because the evidence is there. Can you shed light on the "poisoned ballot boxes". That's another lie. And the story just disappeared, right...? Please address the above points..
    (View from the uk, 15 December 2019 21:42)

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  2. I thought that old Muslim sea hag Amanpour was dead.
    (Intrusive and frightening, 14 December 2019 18:53)

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  3. The Count of Kosova
    You live in la la land boy. You need to get a reality check. Your government is filled with criminals hiding behind powerful people who are by the way out of power. Your Kosovo government is so in love with money that your officials would stoop so low to organ trafficking and other unimaginable crimes. Perhaps you should apologize to your own loved ones for your stupidity :-)
    By the way, nobody is denying Srebrenica here. If you spent more time studying instead of making pizzas or roofing or whatever type of lowly job you are capable of getting, you would be able to comprehend what I wrote.
    (Raisin Scone, 13 December 2019 11:32)

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  4. After standing on the top of their heads yesterday what did people from hell kosovaaaa achieved yesterday?. Zero.
    Jobless, nothing better to do.
    (Ljiljana, 11 December 2019 09:48)

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  5. Raisin Scone,
    Perhaps, instead of denying the massacre of over 8,000 Muslim boys and men, you should apologize to all mothers of genocide victims for perpetuating hate and encouraging a possible repeat of similar events.
    (The Count of Kosova, 11 December 2019 04:08)

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  6. Maybe instead of protesting, Croatian protesters can apologize for the removal of over 250 thousand Serbs from Krajina and the murder of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Roma, and Jews in Jasenovac. Maybe the Bosnian Muslim mothers can apologize for the mass murders of Serbs in Bosnia for which the murderers never had to pay. Maybe instead of attending, the Kosovo Albanian government can apologize for the murder of Serbs and the forced removal of Serbs from Kosovo. Once these individuals apologize for the crimes of their governments and military and stop blaming all Serbs for the crimes of some military and militia, we can have a resolution of all issues and peace will reign. Until then, nothing will be gained from this or other protests.
    (Raisin Scone, 10 December 2019 11:29)

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