1. Right or wrong this case is going nowhere.
    From the start it had been ruined by publishing photos, letters well in advance of the trial. This is prejudice.
    Not allowed.
    As it serves as invitation to anyone to embroider lies against the "accused".
    (Ljiljana, 12 December 2019 09:41)

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  2. All of this is politically motivated to continue and try to put fear into the Serbian community in Kosovo, but they will fail. Serbs had no advantage to kill Ivanovic. Why is Invanovc’s wife living in Belgrade if Belgrade ordered his death? She knows who did this and so does the Serbian Government. As one anonymous member of the governing party said “A big power ordered this killing”.
    I wonder who that could be?

    This is what was said about Kosovo and its entire administration by the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies.
    “For 19 years Kosovo's government has been "characterised by crime, corruption and nepotism", plus €2 billion of EU taxpayers' money have disappeared.”
    (sj, 11 December 2019 09:32)

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