1. thank you serbians for helping this is a start hope we can return the favor and hope we live in peace thank you
    (nick, 29 November 2019 03:19)

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  2. I just want to say thank you Serbia!
    The Serbian rescue team are brave and it was a great gesture what you did!

    It's so sad that politics and bad history have ruined our relationship so much, there have been too much bad blood between us, but as an Albanian what you did today was a beautiful and warm gesture. Much love and much respect to Serbia and it's people and not the least the brave serbian rescue team and the serbian men and women who helped Albanians after the Earthquake.
    We are all Humans and we are all balkan neighbours. And we have all lived together side by side for a very long time. We are all people of the balkans!

    Hugs and Kisses from Albania :)
    May Love and Peace prevail so our generations can live in harmony!
    (AlbPatriot, 28 November 2019 15:40)

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  3. Of all nations involved in pledging assistance to Albania I must admit that it's thoughtful of Serbia to get involved.
    (resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada, 28 November 2019 14:10)

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