1. To any commentators that take Skopians positions in the name dispute...

    You lost the argument the moment the second you anti-Greek bigots started to downplay half Skopians (VMRO, EMD, etc.) bizarre attempts to claim they were not Slavs but founders of the HELLENISTIC period --- now effectively claiming to be the "real" Greeks under the mental radar of both those fanatics and those that supported them. Have fun lying about an important aspect of ancient history so you hide your shame. Bigots the lot of you.
    (Greek, 28 October 2019 18:00)

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  2. You’ve got it backwards, you need to be a member of NATO, before becoming an EU member.
    (Ka, 28 October 2019 06:04)

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  3. The EU's fingers were burnt when, at the demands of Germany, they prematurely allowed Rumania, Croatia and Bulgaria to accede. So it is certainly not a surprise to many Europeans when Macedonia was blocked. How can the Macedonian government be so naive? They changed their name to suck up to Greece and are now the laughing stock of Europe. That's life. They'll know better next time than to trust the EU.
    (Tony (a Brit seconded to Berlin), 26 October 2019 20:21)

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  4. Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria etc were never fully ready to join the EU but they got the back stage pass. Reason is that they are anti socialist and anti Russia which ticked the boxes for the back door entry.
    Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, the EU and USA view them with suspicion. Only way to get the back door pass is to be fully submissive and sign over your nation's sovereignty to Brussels.
    (Al, 26 October 2019 00:59)

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  5. Amazing how that it will be easy to become a member of NATO but not EU? I thought to be a member of NATO, you need to be a EU member?
    (Ak, 25 October 2019 21:25)

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