1. This guy doesn't understand either that he is currently living in a province and not a country. Demands fall on deaf ears when you are in the wrong. Simply having a majority demographically doesn't give you any right to claim/steal. The lies are all coming to light now. Your demands are running on empty fuel. When the phone bill isn't paid, the US and 'Britain' will stop answering. Time to know your place and negotiate properly.
    (DekiM, 18 October 2019 04:47)

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  2. This guy Kurti talks the talk but I suspect that he can't walk the walk. Most of what he says appears to be for Albanian consumption.
    If he really wants to negotiate he needs to reel his head in. If he means to do what he says he is going to do I doubt he will get very far at all. And he knows it.
    I believe nothing new will follow, it will be a status quo. That of course means no UN membership (so not a recognised country), no Interpol, no Unesco, no Council of Europe, etc. In turn this points to no investment in the province, thus more unemployment, poverty and frustrarions.
    As for Serbia it will mean no EU membership, which seems fine with the majority of the Serbian public.
    And in the international arena there is nothing the Albanians can do with China, Russia, India, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, etc supporting Serbias rightful claim to its sovereign territory.
    All we can expect is more Albanian provocations with the knowledge that America/NATO ain't coming and can't force Serbia to recognise land stealing.
    (View from the uk, 17 October 2019 23:48)

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  3. We should have had Kurti in office ten years ago!
    Today both The Republic Of Kosova & Serbia would be full EU members!

    You know the saying better late then never!!!
    (Peter The Rocky Mountains, 17 October 2019 19:59)

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  4. Taiwanese goods marked as "Made in Republic of China" can't enter most countries of the world.
    So they are marked "Made in R.O.C." or "Made in Taiwan".

    Chinese goods marked as "Made in People's Republic of China" can't enter most countries of Central America and Paraguay.

    So they are marked "Made in P.R.O.C."

    Something this can be reached... maybe. The difference is that Chinese act as Chinese since probably 5000 years. My apologies if it is "only" 4000 or more than 6000. You got the idea.

    Unlike "ROC" or "PROC" the Albanian history is barely 100 years old - there was no Albanian as Albanian before Prizren Liga. Their national hero Skenderbeg was "stolen", he probably did not even speak Albanian.

    The most destructive information is straight on Wikipedia.


    No one says that Albanians have no right to be Albanians - just not at the cost of the rest of the Universe.
    (Ataman, 17 October 2019 18:35)

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  5. Taiwanese goods marked as "Made in Republic of China" can't enter most countries of the world.
    So they are marked "Made in R.O.C." or "Made in Taiwan".

    Chinese goods marked as "Made in People's Republic of China" can't enter most countries of Central America and Paraguay.

    So they are marked "Made in P.R.O.C."

    Something this can be reached... maybe. The difference is that Chinese act as Chinese since probably 5000 years. My apologies if it is "only" 4000 or more than 6000. You got the idea.

    Unlike "ROC" or "PROC" the Albanian history is barely 100 years old - there was no Albanian as Albanian before Prizren Liga. Their national hero Skenderbeg was "stolen", he probably did not even speak Albanian.

    The most destructive information is straight on Wikipedia.


    No one says that Albanians have no right to be Albanians - just not at the cost of the rest of the Universe.
    (Ataman, 17 October 2019 18:35)

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  6. Kurti plans on eliminating taxes on Serbian goods. Sounds like he is admitting that Haradinaj's hardline approach was a failure since Serbia still hasn't recognized Kosovo. What position will the next prime minister of Kosovo take when there is no recognition after this clown leaves also? They obviously don't know the Serb mentality. 500 years of Ottoman occupation has taught Serbs to persevere unlike Albanians who are more accustomed to assimilating and falling in line with the occupier. Big difference!
    (njegos, 17 October 2019 18:24)

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