1. Am I the only one who thinks that the cynical and unwarranted protests by the taxi drivers are making the general public hate them more and more with every day that passes? Competition is healthy in any economy. Why dont the taxi drivers just admit that they are scared of losing their monopoly to a lower priced competitor. What happens if I open a shop that sells bread a bit cheaper than other shops...will all the other bread shops start blockading the city until the government forces me to increase my prices? Of course not...that would be ridiculous! Grow up taxi drivers and start facing the reality of healthy competition. How many brand new Mercedes do you see in the blockades? Exactly!! I can't feel sorry for anyone who can afford a 40 or 50, 000 Eur car. I prefer GoCar anyway, its cheaper, easier to use and more efficient. If the taxis could match those qualities I might use them. Instead of rising to the challenge, they decide to make our life in the city even harder than it already was. Gocar must be enjoying all the positive marketing that the taxi protests are generating for them. Talk about shoot yourself in the foot!!! It is laughable.
    (UK, 16 October 2019 17:58)

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  2. Vucic is right that a serious state does not bow to the pressure from a narrow interest group but considers the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
    (Make Serbia Great, 15 October 2019 22:40)

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