"I apologize to the citizens"

BELGRADE -- On behalf of the government and local self-government departments, Zorana Mihajlovic apologized to citizens suffering the consequences of taxi drivers' protests

Source: Tanjug
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  1. Your role isn’t to apologize, your role is to solve this small problems...
    Definitely she is incompetent for this role.
    (pera genije, 15 October 2019 21:22)

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  2. Zorana Mihajlovic I don’t know 🤷♂ who gave you that position to run countries infrastructure and business but you're in the wrong field you should be in other businesses maybe hair salon 💇 stylist or something
    (T, 15 October 2019 13:35)

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  3. When it comes to the taxi drivers and the law maybe we should be discussing these points of law: those black and white stripes on the road mean that cars are legally obliged to stop and give right of way to pedestrians. That law also applies to taxi drivers. Those posts on the side of the road with red, amber and green lights are also to allow pedestrians to cross the road when the red light shows to traffic. That law also applies to taxi drivers. I have lost count of the amount of times that taxi drivers have failed to stop, sometimes even swerving around me while I am actually on the crossing. They are keen to state that the law should apply equally to everyone and yet when it comes to traffic law they appear to be a law unto themselves. Hypocrisy is not an effective way of gaining support for a "cause". In addition, isn't there enough disruption of traffic in the city already, without the taxi drivers adding to it. I have the feeling that taxi drivers are probably making more enemies than friends with their cynical demonstrations.
    (UK, 15 October 2019 12:12)

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