1. Just like ataman and sj on b92. But I would say that sj alone is filled with the foolishness of those guys combined...
    (Make Serbia Great, 8 October 2019 18:26)

    Makeaj Serbisha Greatçi,

    I could be the biggest idiot on Planet Earth slightly ahead of even sj.
    But one thing is 100%: I am in charge only of my computers.

    Probably valid for sj as well.

    The rest of the gang has deep personality and ego issues, pretty much like you.

    Think about that... :)
    (Ataman, 10 October 2019 18:37)

    # Comment link

  2. This is what I said earlier: Hasheesh Baksheesh and eventually Hush-Hush Ramush will be back as nothing happened.
    (Ataman, 8 October 2019 12:17)

    Just like ataman and sj on b92. But I would say that sj alone is filled with the foolishness of those guys combined...
    (Make Serbia Great, 8 October 2019 18:26)

    # Comment link

  3. This is what I said earlier: Hasheesh Baksheesh and eventually Hush-Hush Ramush will be back as nothing happened.
    (Ataman, 8 October 2019 12:17)

    # Comment link

  4. As I have said repeatedly, status quo. Nothing changes thanks to the US LOL.
    (sj, 8 October 2019 10:57)

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