1. Lol. He will get his one day for sure :)
    (Boris Badanovski, 5 December 2022 22:13)

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  2. Serbian softness in dealing with the criminals like this person, and the international "community", which is evidently hell-bent on humiliating Serbia by openly violating the UN Resolution, that same international "community" penned and ratified about Kosovo, is astounding.

    I could go on and criticise every aspect of Serbian ineptness and the way it is raped by the international "community", but what is the point? Serbs really need to wake up to the fact that only a non-existent Serbia will be good enough Serbia to the US, EU and NATO.

    So good luck with your desire to be a part of the EU, for that is exactly where they want you. Locked up, pacified and put in your place, as seen by the international "community" that bombed the hell out of you illegally in 1999. And Biden will make sure you are pot-trained too and bark what they tell you to bark, when they tell you to bark.
    (Dwayne, 30 November 2020 01:59)

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  3. I love how obsessed Serbia is with Haradinaj. He intimidates the sh!t out of them. Haradinaj knows of no defeat in battlefield or politics, remember that.
    (King, 2 October 2019 16:33)

    No defeat? Didnt he resign? Lololol
    (Bre, 4 March 2020 13:51)

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  4. 100% tax on goods and intimidation and threat to all their neighbours Poor people and no jobs will make the Albanians very happy. That is what they seems to think.
    (@Blue, 16 January 2020 15:13)

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  5. I love how obsessed Serbia is with Haradinaj. He intimidates the sh!t out of them. Haradinaj knows of no defeat in battlefield or politics, remember that.
    (King, 2 October 2019 16:33)

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  6. Haradinaj? Silly man.
    "Vucic" isn't shaking head to toe, nor suffer with nervous syndrome. He is the President of rep Serbia & KiM. Any, your antics he takes as a man, up his chin.
    Hé, us we know very well 24/7 comming from you. Water under the bridge.
    (Ljiljana, 2 October 2019 10:59)

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  7. I think Haradinaj has been smoking way too much of kosovaaahs** greatest export! :)
    (So sad, too bad, 1 October 2019 15:26)

    If you look at the late night visitors of major German railway stations - the greatest Ksovaaaah export is probably ought to sleep with, not to smoke.

    These ladies probably have a special price for Ramush. The way he looks, I wonder about how even his mom was capable to like him.
    (Ataman, 2 October 2019 04:59)

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  8. I think Haradinaj has been smoking way too much of kosovaaahs** greatest export! :)
    (So sad, too bad, 1 October 2019 15:26)

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  9. Haradinaj: "dont worry Steiner will come and fix the situation"
    (M, 1 October 2019 14:10)

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  10. kosovo* tarif a drop in the ocean. From October rep serbia are trading also with more countries 100% a drop in the ocean. Do it you are nothing but one of the bunch criminal.And increasingly a laughing stock.
    (British, 1 October 2019 13:27)

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