1. Fairy relevant and sovereign narrative that can only come from one of the oldest, proudest and bravest nations on this planet, the Serbs. Well done President Vucic and God save Serbia.
    (Ali Envir, 27 March 2020 11:17)

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  2. Vucic is begging for some aid from the West as he knows he ain't getting a thing from Kosova. Can someone spare a dime and give it to him please?
    (Just saying.., 26 September 2019 21:19)

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  3. Vucic: Solution for Kosovo means no one gets everything, but everyone gets enough

    To all those people on this site that bang their chest every day, that; Kosova is Serbia, tell us what Vucic means with the above statement?!
    There was hardly anybody at UNGA when he spoke!
    (the truth, 26 September 2019 20:23)

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  4. Kosovo gets the recognition and Serbia gets the opportunity for EU membership.
    So everybody gets something.That's the maximum Serbia can expect from this situation. Without recognition, Serbia never can enter the EU, because the EU does not need another unresolved border conflict. It has enough problems already without the troublesome Balkan.
    (Contractor, 26 September 2019 20:16)

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