1. Hey Ivice don't forget to organise your visa, your mate is leaving soon, make sure you don't miss the train. Enough of lying to your people, oh sorry you aren't one of us.
    (Nada Dordevic, 22 September 2019 13:58)

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  2. @wolg
    Wishful thinking.
    Trifunovic can always try Holywood. Running a country it ain't a comedy.
    And it ain't walking along the capital city streets with chain saw, rolls of sticky paper littering the streets and toilet paper hanging everywhere.
    Trifunovic and the Co demonstrated enough for what they are worth.
    Let's turn the leaf.
    (British, 21 September 2019 15:23)

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  3. It looks like Dacic is preparing to distance himself from Vucic before Vucic signs the recognition of the Republic of Kosova. I think he is planning for his career after this chapter is closed and trying to get some sympathy from people so he can remain employed somewhere in the government after all this is done.
    (Wolg, 19 September 2019 17:15)

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  4. To :Rep Serbia opporsition
    Kada na vrbi rodi grozdje.
    (Ljiljana, 19 September 2019 11:32)

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