1. Not much of a victory for Serbia considering two of the US players were still in high school and another was transgender.
    (Hi Low, 12 September 2019 23:58)

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  2. Not much of a victory for Serbia considering two of the US players were still in high school and another was transgender.
    (Hi Low, 12 September 2019 23:58)

    Sour grapes? The youngest player in the American Team was born in 1998.

    Although an Under 12's Girl Guides of America selection would defeat the Albanian Men's National Basketball Team, you can be comforted by the fact that the Ghegs are world champions in organ trading, drug trafficking, joining and fighting alongside ISIS, seeking asylum, general criminality and producing dim-witted, unemployable trolls like yourself.
    (Northern Epirote, 16 September 2019 04:11)

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