1. Serbia’s best friend.
    Serbia is mourning today.
    (Teodor Muzaka 1389, 6 September 2019 15:12)

    I suppose not everyone can have ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, organ traders, drug dealers and sworn virgins as their friends and allies like the Ghegs do!
    (Northern Epirote, 9 September 2019 04:02)

    # Comment link

  2. Serbia’s best friend.
    Serbia is mourning today.
    (Teodor Muzaka 1389, 6 September 2019 15:12)

    Sweetie the west installed Mugabe not Serbia. One of the people instrumental in the installation was Malcolm Frazier, former Australian Prime Minister.
    (sj, 7 September 2019 14:14)

    # Comment link

  3. Teodar Muzako
    Did you read the article you ignorant fool???
    Zimbabwe gained independence from Great Britain???
    What are G.B even doing in Africa invading and occupying???
    See Serbia has friends and we know who our enemies are. Albania and Croatia have to answer to a big boss like the E.U and U.S
    Pay the piper as is said in English.
    Wake up Muzak!!!
    Sorry you must support the West you brainwashed peanut.
    (Smart Serb, 7 September 2019 01:39)

    # Comment link

  4. Serbia’s best friend.
    Serbia is mourning today.
    (Teodor Muzaka 1389, 6 September 2019 15:12)

    # Comment link