1. Mr Bo Jo, EU was meant to be bigger than you. And the ones who tell you what to do not the OTHER way around. ENOUGH of lies about NHS savings of 350 mil pound per week!
    All I know my pension due to negatíve Exchange since 2016 had gone down. So nő savings to be made.
    (British, 4 August 2019 16:27)

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  2. GROW UP!! What's the big deal! It's not like the UK experienced 10 years of crippling economic sanctions, or were bombed for 78 days and had billions of dollars worth of civilian infrastructure destroyed or experienced the illegally theft of a portion of its territory and suffered the loss of thousands of innocent people who were murdered all to support blood thirsty, organ trafficking KLA terrorists!
    (So sad, too bad, 29 July 2019 16:36)

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