1. BBC is not a neutral medium. Its birth was for the sake of British colonialism and the interest of the exploiting empire. If it is criticized, then it is considered as attack of freedom of expression. BBC is spreading what the Western Bloc wants it to spread. While in case of friendly or allied countries, any struggle for independence is portrayed as terrorism. But this is not only true for BBC, it is also true for other channels like CNN, Reuters, AFP etc. In different parts of the world, BBC has been encouraging separatism in the "enemy of the democracy bloc". BBC needs to show that its neutral and not a propaganda arm of Western Bloc. Mudathir, Serbia
    (Mudathir, 3 April 2018 13:09)

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  2. B92 sell out to the British, I wonder how much british B.S. and lies b92 will broadcast!
    (George, 27 March 2018 21:06)

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  3. B92 can partner with Satan if it likes but they should remember where they reside. If they lean to far to the wrong side they could be finished in less than 12 months.
    (sj, 27 March 2018 09:46)

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  4. The Biased British Corporation. A waste of time and money.
    (Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin), 26 March 2018 22:04)

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  5. The BBC is a shadow of its former self. The BBC news website is full of promotion of minority causes (mainly transgender) or telling us how integrated and peaceful Muslims are in the UK.
    (Andy UK, 26 March 2018 18:08)

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  6. Its obvious that its time to cease looking at B92 from now on, as I've dealt with the BBC during the bombing of Yugoslavia and and with the way BBC dealt with the biased reporting and fake garbage, Im shocked any news agency would wish to have any association with the British Bullshit Corporation. I sincerely hope that some sanity prevails and the BBC is booted out. Lets hope that B92 don't edit this comment like they did my last one.
    (Boz, 26 March 2018 16:03)

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  7. Serbia is so unimportant that the UK Foreign & Common Wealth Office has added funding for Serbian (and other) languages. The natives must be trained!
    (EU Dude, 26 March 2018 15:31)

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  8. Congratulations! Now the remaining Serbia will soon disintegrate to make way for small democratic and freedom loving countries. Unless, Serbia turns into a satellite of Western Imperialism and become part of anti-Russia ring. Sorry b92 for this comment. I hope you will publish it. Mudathir, Serbia
    (Mudathir, 26 March 2018 15:00)

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  9. "based on the editorial guidelines of the BBC"

    Such as: anti-Russia or anti- anyone who doesn't agree with western narratives and propaganda
    (trizo, 26 March 2018 13:18)

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