1. I cannot believe that Croats in Croatia or Slovenes in Slovenia would like to go back to a Milosevic/Serb dominated country any more than Bosnia's Muslims or Croats would.
    (ned taylor, 29 May 2017 21:15)

    Other than Slovenia, are these countries really better off in real wages and economic growth? The answer is a resounding no!
    (Jugoslavija, 30 May 2017 00:24)

    That's the answer according to you, so it can safely be ignored because your opinion is irrelevant. The answer according to those countries is a resounding yes since they have not asked to go back.
    (icj1, 30 May 2017 15:12)

    What's relevant is that Slovenia rates "Yugo-Nostalgia" highly at 45% of the population even though it has the best economic statistics of all former Yugoslav republics. That seems relevant, Comprende Amigo? Catalevenes Malaka?
    (Jugoslavija, 30 May 2017 22:58)

    Sure, that's relevant for "Yugo-Nostalgia" lol But Slovenia is not asking to you back to Jugoslavia, so obviously Slovenia is better off where it is today. Comprende Amigo? Catalevenes Malaka? :)
    (icj1, 3 June 2017 16:18)

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  2. That's the answer according to you, so it can safely be ignored because your opinion is irrelevant. The answer according to those countries is a resounding yes since they have not asked to go back.
    (icj1, 30 May 2017 15:12)

    Did you actually read the article and statistics no mind. Now go and continue to put that toilet paper you call a degree in good use. Obviously, its not working here. What's relevant is that Slovenia rates "Yugo-Nostalgia" highly at 45% of the population even though it has the best economic statistics of all former Yugoslav republics. That seems relevant, Comprende Amigo? Catalevenes Malaka?
    (Jugoslavija, 30 May 2017 22:58)

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  3. I cannot believe that Croats in Croatia or Slovenes in Slovenia would like to go back to a Milosevic/Serb dominated country any more than Bosnia's Muslims or Croats would.
    (ned taylor, 29 May 2017 21:15)

    Other than Slovenia, are these countries really better off in real wages and economic growth? The answer is a resounding no!
    (Jugoslavija, 30 May 2017 00:24)

    That's the answer according to you, so it can safely be ignored because your opinion is irrelevant. The answer according to those countries is a resounding yes since they have not asked to go back.
    (icj1, 30 May 2017 15:12)

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  4. BiH was and still is secular.
    (ned taylor, 29 May 2017 21:15)
    Bosnia as a former republic of Yugoslavia was secular. It is less so now. The RS is more secular than the federation, where some parts of the latter are influenced by extreme forms of Wahhabism. The US and Saudis fully support these radicals, just as they supported ISIL in Libya and ISIS in Syria.

    Thirdly, this article doesn't just refer to Bosnia but to the whole of ex-jugoslavija. I cannot believe that Croats in Croatia or Slovenes in Slovenia would like to go back to a Milosevic/Serb dominated country any more than Bosnia's Muslims or Croats would.
(ned taylor, 29 May 2017 21:15)
    Ned, if you are "believer" of Croat and Bosnia's Muslim separation from Serbs, then your ethnic standard applies to the Krajina Serb break away from Croatia and the Republika Srpska break away from Bosnia.

    In contrast to your hollow arguments justifying ethnic aparthied, the righteous position is/was a multiethnic Yugoslavia, which could have been saved. False narratives and tales of "subservients" not only empowered Milosevic, Tudjman and Izetbegovic to lead their people into war, but also empowered the cunning, as well as the ignorant, foreigners to exacerbate the ethnic bigotries.
    (Amnesty Yugoslavia, 30 May 2017 07:35)

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  5. Amnesty Yugoslavija: Firstly, far from breaking up Bosnia became an internationally recognized country, albeit one with two parts.
    (ned , 29 May 2017 21:15)
    Ned, Bosnia is a former Yugoslav republic that is primarily recognized as corrupted by a criminal ruling class that includes unelected foreigners. (Ref: article & opinion of the polled BiH majority). Your false narratives are contradicted by the majority of those polled in BiH. But hey, why should we believe the polled population of BiH when Ned Taylor and corrupt foreigners continue to pedal stories of a non-existent secular utopian fairy tale.

    At least for Bosniaks and Croats in the Federation they no longer have to play a subservient role to the Serbs in the country.
    (ned taylor, 29 May 2017 21:15)
    That's according to Ned Taylor who is neither a "Bosniak/Muslim" nor "Croat". In contrast to Ned Taylor, and other foreign propagandists, the article indicates that the majority of polled BiH inhabitants prefer Yugoslavia.

    Secondly, the Islamic Declaration was published in 1970 and Izetbegovic had publicly moved away from many of the ideas contained therein by 1992.
    (ned taylor, 29 May 2017 21:15)
    Ned, the Islamic Declaration defined Izetbegovic and his polarizing politics, except of course in the minds of his apologists. If he had any semblance of sanity in 1992, Izetbegovic would not have led the Muslims to war against another BiH constituent group.
    (Amnesty Yugoslavia, 30 May 2017 07:32)

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  6. I cannot believe that Croats in Croatia or Slovenes in Slovenia would like to go back to a Milosevic/Serb dominated country any more than Bosnia's Muslims or Croats would.
    (ned taylor, 29 May 2017 21:15) # Comment link

    Other than Slovenia, are these countries really better off in real wages and economic growth? The answer is a resounding no! B&H is an utter failure, Croatia's economy is a disaster heading towards bankruptcy etc etc. Don't ask about Kosovo is further in a black hole. The only difference now is that EU is funding these banana republics with the IMF, before it was Yugoslavia albeit with IMF Funds again. Funny how that works.
    (Jugoslavija, 30 May 2017 00:24)

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  7. Amnesty Yugoslavija: Firstly, far from breaking up Bosnia became an internationally recognised country, albeit one with two parts. At least for Bosniaks and Croats in the Federation they no longer have to play a subservient role to the Serbs in the country. Secondly, the Islamic Declaration was published in 1970 and Izetbegovic had publicly moved away from many of the ideas contained therein by 1992. He knew full well that the international community would never recognise any country in the Balkans that had Islam as the state religion, thus BiH was and still is secular. Thirdly, this article doesn't just refer to Bosnia but to the whole of ex-jugoslavija. I cannot believe that Croats in Croatia or Slovenes in Slovenia would like to go back to a Milosevic/Serb dominated country any more than Bosnia's Muslims or Croats would.
    (ned taylor, 29 May 2017 21:15)

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  8. If you asked the same people whether they were happy with life under Milosevic most would say no and that given the choice of breaking away or accepting his vision they would once again choose the former.

    (ned taylor, 26 May 2017 20:04)


    Ned, unfortunately your narrative is based on biased misconceptions of the region and its people. For example, If you asked "the same people" in BiH whether they were happy with life under Alija Izetbegovic, most would say no and that given the choice of breaking away or accepting his vision and Islamic Declaration, they would choose to breakaway from BiH. You are correct in assuming they would have preferred a Tito-esque existence based on brotherhood and unity but when it became clear that Izetbegovic's version was about Muslim domination and the other nations accepting a subservient role, then break-up of BiH was the only realistic outcome.
    (Amnesty Yugoslavia, 29 May 2017 16:10)

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  9. So please don't lie, even though for you serbs lying seems to be something that you consider normal and an act of patriotism. If you want to lie at least be a litle bit more creative. Cos you are becoming very boring.
    (from Albania, 26 May 2017 14:08)

    Hahaha so true! once a friend of mine told me that in serbia you can make a lie in the morning and by the end of the day it'll be the main news on TV (later it'll be written on history books) holy sh*t!.
    (ALB-Canada, 29 May 2017 04:54)

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  10. No, someone wanted to leave the sinking Yugoslavia and someone else thought it would be wise to kill everyone who didn't want to sink with it under the Glorious Serbian Big Brother's Leadership.

    Drown with us or die! That was the Serbian motto.
    (Free, 28 May 2017 17:06)

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  11. Yugoslavia was very big and getting powerful but someone didn't like that, they wanted to see Slavs split up. I think all Slavic countries should be one country. Only problem is Romania and Hungary have to join in that too. Each can still speak their own language but eventually it will get combined into one language for all.
    (smashthetrolls, 27 May 2017 20:51)

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  12. Yes good riddance, we have it so much better now...or at least some of us do. Let's see, Slovenia .... doing the best by far...no surprise there. Serbia...comes next...doing well with its neutral position...found a way to bring in business and those that want that want to work can work, comes in second after Slovenia. Croatia...found out fast their coast cannot keep up with the skyrocketing debt they have incurred. Jobs are nowhere to be seen, many leaving for Germany and Ireland to make a better life for themselves and their children. Slavonia , Osijek regions depopulating slowly of young people...all Serbs ethnically cleansed and no one to work in agriculture. Does not look t good for them...86% of their GNP goes to pay of their interest alone. Bosnia....? in the Twilight Zone for sure..is it one country or two?? Looks like R.S. is fairing much better than the the other side federation of Croats and what they called Bosniaks? lol :) Montenegro....well what can be said.....ass lickers, who rather collect charity than actually work. Macedonia....treated like the red-headed stepchild...by the West...and probably in the future soon to be broke apart, and last and the least Kosovo....self depopulating all going to Auntie Merkel....because the corruption is so freakin bad even the locals are disgusted by the leadership...all paid by the West to keep it a colony for Camp Bondsteel....don't blame the Serbs for not wanting to be part of that cesspool. You trusted the West...HaHa
    (Freddiesdaddy, 27 May 2017 17:30)

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  13. Oooh yeah those were the good ol' times... Back when you said F* off to Russia and were pro-western. Now wait a minute .. all the pro-Russians want Jugosllavija back ? You want a pro-western social comfort AND pro-russian ?
    (po rdha ci, 27 May 2017 05:36)

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  14. Nostagie Nostalgie, a Serb told me one day Postla Tita Kita, and he is 1 million %right, Yugoslavia was a big thing, today Serbia,Macedonia,Croatia,Slovenia,Bosnia are all dead and burried.
    Finish the good times, now you are living artificial times with show off and bullshits, upon your graves.
    (Mounir Assi, 27 May 2017 00:56)

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  15. Zoran: The fact that people think that the break up was more harmful than good is not the same as saying that they regret it happening. Part of the harm was of course the thousands of unnecessary deaths. I imagine that many would have preferred a Tito-esque existence based on brotherhood and unity but when it became clear that Milosevic's version was about Serb domination and the other nations accepting a subservient role then break up was the only realistic outcome. If you asked the same people whether they were happy with life under Milosevic most would say no and that given the choice of breaking away or accepting his vision they would once again choose the former.
    (ned taylor, 26 May 2017 20:04)

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  16. @ Nicola The ability to elaborate on issues mainly related to their country of origins or the country they currently live in, the ability to make international readers love to read their comments twice. You know exactly what that implies Nico please!
    (Giuseppe, 26 May 2017 19:57)

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  17. "One thinks ok, today after months I will read again the comments on B92. Hopefully the whole army of unemployed Albanians will be trolling somewhere else and instead here they are, the same exact people the same exact BS year after year. "

    When Serbs will stop trolling Albanians, Albanians will stop coming to this site and refute your slander.
    Just the other day, there was an article on this site about an Albanian arrested in Kosova with a warrant from Austria. What does that have anything to do with Serbia or Serbs. Nothing! Other than to depict Albanians in a negative light. Then you cry why Albanians come here and debunk your propaganda.
    (Therret Prizreni, 26 May 2017 19:34)

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  18. Yugoslavia was a giant penal colony, build for and by the Serbs - Serboslavia is a better term for it.

    Albanians never had any Yugo-nostalgia, because they were neither asked nor they were a part of such a project; They were during the whole existence of Yugoslavia, a colonized and conquered people, dragged in there in chains. Even though they were the third largest ethnic group in YU after Serbs and Croats, Albanians were denied many of the fundamental collective rights of Yugoslavia’s constituent nations.

    The best thing Yugoslavia did for Albanians is tearing their passports as it forcefully expelled them from their lands, thus freeing them to pursue their own destiny. Like the Pharaon letting the Jews go, then sending the army to kill them.

    If Yugoslavia was so peaceful, how come there were 4 major inter-ethnic conflagrations between Albanians and Serbs, only since WWII, in Kosova alone: In 1944-45, in 1968, 1981-1987 and 1997-1999. Yugoslavia was not a stable entity, and its dissolution was the only natural course for an ill-conceived creature.
    (Therret Prizreni, 26 May 2017 18:03)

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  19. "...most valuable people..." which ones? care to name them? what exactlyu makes them valuable?
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 18:02)

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  20. For Giuseppe.
    The real questione here is: what are you as italian doing here? Somehow we albanians and serbs live in the same region and we have to be informed about the things that happens in our region. This is the main reason why most of us are here. What is your reason Giuseppe, could you tell us? Ciao e saluti à soreta.
    (from Albania, 26 May 2017 17:55)

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  21. Topic: Gallup poll on Jugo-nostalgia. Posted comments so far: 5 Albanians and 2 Serbs.These people are really sick, what are these people doing here if Jugoslavia is dead and long gone? Former Jugoslavs miss Jugoslavia but they certainly don't miss you and don't want you back. And it looks like half of the comments posted in the Serbian edition are also written by Albanians. Why don't you spare us your monologues and go dialogue somewhere else with your kind? Unbelievable! One thinks ok, today after months I will read again the comments on B92. Hopefully the whole army of unemployed Albanians will be trolling somewhere else and instead here they are, the same exact people the same exact BS year after year. While some of the most valuable people have simply given up reading or posting comments.
    (Giuseppe, 26 May 2017 17:25)

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  22. aren't you embarrassed to be a proven liar sj?
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 16:54)

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  23. This poll asked the wrong questions. Of corse the breakup did harm us all because it lead to serbia waging war against everyone. Imagine the EU waging war against Britain because they left the EU. Only in a serbs mind that would make sense.

    Do the same poll but ask the people if they want to revive Yugoslavia.
    (Gjon Marku, 26 May 2017 16:08)

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  24. It seems Serbs are the only ones feeling Nostalgic about Yugoslavia everybody else, remembers events much differently and have no desire of going back to the old system.
    (Serbian Dream Not Ours., 26 May 2017 15:59)

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  25. @sj


    Footage is on the link above, you'll have to find it yourself however, no clues.
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 15:12)

    I'm impressed that you people keep a database on me. However if that is all you have on me after 7 then you Albos, as they say, are whistling Dixi.
    (sj, 26 May 2017 15:49)

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  26. Quite amazing, after 25 years most still think the breakup of Yugoslavia was more harmful than good. A slap in the face to the West as interference all over the world has been destructive. Neoliberalism has failed, the war on terror spreads terror just like the war on drugs. The interventions must stop.
    (Zoran, 26 May 2017 15:23)

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  27. @sj


    Footage is on the link above, you'll have to find it yourself however, no clues.
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 15:12)

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  28. @sj


    There is also is footage of you being caught lying on B92, such as paid 20 EURO's in 1994
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 14:18)

    Where is that footage? Is that the best you could come up with LOL.
    (sj, 26 May 2017 14:51)

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  29. @Nikolle

    That`s not a myth. A myth is an exaggerated or coded truth.
    In Albania in 1949 there were 800,000 Albanians in total (Albanians in Yugoslavia excluded). From that total 1,5 millions immmigrated illegaly in Kosovo.

    That is not a myth, that is a serious mental problem. You shoudn`t laugh, you should be sorry for her.
    (Free, 26 May 2017 14:21)

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  30. @sj


    There is also is footage of you being caught lying on B92, such as paid 20 EURO's in 1994
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 14:18)

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  31. @sara

    Is there any footage of these illegal Albanians entering Yugoslavia? How many of them entered? This is another myth that you believe
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 13:51) #

    Is there any footage that you have intelligence?
    (sj, 26 May 2017 14:13)

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  32. @nikolle, you should thank Tito for all the illegal immigration of Albanians to Kosovo- he turned a blind eye to all of the destruction it did to the poor Serbs there (sara)

    Could you please provide some statistics or facts to prove this? To my knowledge there were only a few families from Albania that escaped to Yougoslavia because of the Hoxha regime. I just want to remind to you that Albania at that time had about 900.000 (during ww2) and about 1 milion in 1948 when the relations between Yugoslavia and Albania broke up and the border was completly closed untill 1992. So there has been no significant emigration from Albania to Yougoslavia as you guys claim. On the contrary there has been massive emigration of Albanians since 1920 from "Yougoslavia" to Albania and Turkey that were forced to leave the country. In Albania there are a lot of places even today that are known to be inhabitated by these people.

    And about the illegal immigration. I dont know if Tito turned a blind eye but I can tell you that Enver Hoxha didnt turn a blind eye for sure. During his period escaping the country was considered an act of treason and was punished with death and there were penalties for the families of those who tried to do this.

    So please don't lie, even though for you serbs lying seems to be something that you consider normal and an act of patriotism. If you want to lie at least be a litle bit more creative. Cos you are becoming very boring.
    (from Albania, 26 May 2017 14:08)

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  33. @sara

    Is there any footage of these illegal Albanians entering Yugoslavia? How many of them entered? This is another myth that you believe
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 13:51)

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  34. @nikolle, you should thank Tito for all the illegal immigration of Albanians to Kosovo- he turned a blind eye to all of the destruction it did to the poor Serbs there.
    (sara, 26 May 2017 13:28)

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  35. I have zero nostalgia for Yugoslavia. Whilst there is no denying that say in the 70's at least, it was better to be from Yugoslavia than say Greece, Bulgaria, Roumania and a lot of other places, as soon Tito died, the whole thing began to collapse. There is also a gigantic myth about the inter ethnic harmony that supposedly was prevalent among the ethnic groups that made it, as a Croat so brilliantly put it in that book by Alan Little, The Death of Yugoslavia , "...we loved each other, but that's because there was a policeman every 10 meters to make sure we loved each other". We saw how much love there was between Yugoslav nations in late 80's and early to mid 90's. Yugoslavia is dead and good riddance to it
    (Nikolle, 26 May 2017 12:47)

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