(BLACK EAGLE, 27 May 2017 15:22)

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  2. Have you ever read any passages in Koran demanding that unbelievers should be converted or put to death? How do you think Islam has spread all over the globe? By sword and it is commanded that Muslims do not take unbelievers for friends. All this is in the Koran.
    (Peggy, 25 May 2017 02:41)

    Can you provide the reference where in the Kuran is written that:

    1. "unbelievers should be converted or put to death" regardless of context

    2. "Muslims do not take unbelievers for friends"

    I checked and I could not find any of them in the Kuran, but probably I missed them. Since you've read them in the Kuran, it should be easy for you to point out where in the Kuran you read them.
    (icj1, 26 May 2017 01:55)

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  3. Well said Rote!! Also Peggy you can watch the last interview of the late russian ambassador to UN. He spoke about this great split between shia and sunni in the muslim world. Im not asking you Peggy to follow the trials of some of those imams in Tirana but be sure there's nothing to laugh for here and being sarcastic.
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 25 May 2017 17:07)

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  4. Sorry but you are the one who knows nothing about Islam.
    Have you ever read any passages in Koran demanding that unbelievers should be converted or put to death?
    How do you think Islam has spread all over the globe? By sword and it is commanded that Muslims do not take unbelievers for friends. All this is in the Koran.
    Maybe you should read some books on this very subject written by an expert in Islam, Robert Spencer, and read the actual quotes from Koran commanding Muslims to violence.
    Bloodshed has everything to do with Islam.
    How do you explain the imams who are the authority on Islam preaching violence and sanctioning all these terrorist attacks? Do you know more about Koran than they do?
    (Peggy, 25 May 2017 02:41)

    My dear !

    Guess you have chosen the worst sparring partner as I believe that I know about Islam more than anybody else in b92. I've read it twice in Krachkovsky's interpretation and I can read and write at least the 1-st Sura ect. ect. I can also tell you the true history of Islam that appeared in 15 century in Volga region of Rus and who indeed was Prophet Mohammad ect. Either you get rid of your sarcasm or find someone else to make laugh of yourself as I feel sympathy to most of your comments. Just be less radical like those who live too close to the potential battlefields.
    (rote, 25 May 2017 10:34)

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  5. Before 1572 of current Scaliger-Petavius chronology when Pope Gregory XIII started his reforms there were two main calendars in the world. Civil one от Сотворения Мира в Звёздном Храме (+ 5508 years) = Ynglism and church (Brahman) calendar from Christ's birthday (25.12. 1052)


    There were no problems and the two calendars coexisted for centuries. But in 1392 that was equal to the official year of 6900 rumors began to spread that after 100 years in the year of 7000 (current 1492) it will be the end of times = КОНЕЦ СВЕТА. So the Great Horde organized mass settling in the (already inhabited by the Rus) NEW WORLD = НОВЫЙ СВЕТ = AMERICA headed by some Hordian Columbus (1492) = Col Ambus = Calif Ambus.

    This preword I needed to explain when and why the religious split began after 1492. By that time Royal/Pagan Christianity had already been replaced by the Apostolic (1380) and Constantine I had already been killed in Kosovo (1389) and there were other trends in the still united Christianity.

    It was the 15 century when sects appeared that later became the Hebrew, Catholics and Muslims. Simply because the long expected end of the times did not happened and many began to doubt if it was all right with their religion. Muslims were the closest to the Orthodox and they were the last to split. After 1613 when the Romanovs seized Moscow the Sultans simply had to form their own religion.
    (rote, 25 May 2017 08:01)

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  6. Rote said:

    "Do you really believe that the Islamists have anything to do with Islam ? Then you know nothing. Islamists were created and sponsored by the West."

    Sorry but you are the one who knows nothing about Islam.
    Have you ever read any passages in Koran demanding that unbelievers should be converted or put to death?
    How do you think Islam has spread all over the globe? By sword and it is commanded that Muslims do not take unbelievers for friends. All this is in the Koran.
    Maybe you should read some books on this very subject written by an expert in Islam, Robert Spencer, and read the actual quotes from Koran commanding Muslims to violence.
    Bloodshed has everything to do with Islam.
    How do you explain the imams who are the authority on Islam preaching violence and sanctioning all these terrorist attacks? Do you know more about Koran than they do?
    (Peggy, 25 May 2017 02:41)

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  7. My god....how can a human being put a bomb onthier body and kill a bunch of teenage girls.we have lost reason....we have list all that makes us decent people.....there is really only one solution...
    .be kind...be goid
    (milan, 24 May 2017 23:06)

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  8. Of course they are Rote and they are being discredited everywhere by their own actions, thats why their rats in the balkans are becoming nervous. What makes me angry is that even good people like Peggy cant see that these pseudo-islamists have been killing more muslims than christians in their daily attacks in Bagdad and Damascus. But you know, muslim deads mean nothing, who cares if poor muslims are the first to pay for Us and Union Jack's experiments!! Maybe arabs just translated and adapted some parts of the Bible and they put on it the name Quran? Or you think we were two branches? Im not sure which one is the right one and maybe you just want to be nice with muslims and say we were all the same so muslims dont feel rejected? Or you really think we were two branches of same religion? We call also England - Anglija and Satan - Shejtan.
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 24 May 2017 22:10)

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  9. Skenderbeu

    5. But mentally they have remained emperors of the Byzantine and so they behave ever since. They had no mersy in their colonies and they still are the mortal enemies of the Russians and of all the Slavs. I mean the elite but not the fuddle fototball fans.

    6. So after the fall of the Great Horde in 1613 they provoced wars between the Hordian parts like the Ottomans and Russia who had zero problems before. Since 18 century together with France the Brits made a lot to weaken the Rus Ottomans. In 1798 they sent Napoleon to find place for Jerusalem and other Bible toponymals ect.

    7. In 1811 as I told you they cowardly killed the main Mamelukes who were mostly Slavs and Caucasians submitted (after 1517) to the Ottomans. And they brought to power in Hidjaz the Saudists who had been slaves to the Mamelukes before. Arabs had been forbidden entering both Mecca and Medina before 1811 ... The Rus name of Medina was Medin (Медынь) = Honey Place.

    8. Brits obtained lap dogs they could use against all in ME and they obtained the main Holy places of Islam. But after WW2 they had to sell the Saudittes to the USA who used them to fill their empty dollars with oil basis.

    9. All terrorist organizations since the Muslim Brothers (Ihvan-ul-Muslimin) in Islamic states were based on the Wakhabi ideology of the Saudittes. Today we know them as the Talibans, Jeish ul Islam, ISIS, Jabhat al Nusra (Al Qaeda) ect. One way or another all are sponsored by the US or Britain.
    (rote, 24 May 2017 20:40)

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  10. Skenderbeu

    1. If you have noticed words SATAN and SHAITAN are synonimous and have very small phonetic difference and it wasn't by accident. Also words BIBLE and QURAN both mean READING and it's not by accident too as they describe almost the same events. Some day I'll write about it and other parallels in the two once united belief.

    2. The Russian for England is АНГЛИЯ that before 17 century was written as НГЛ and so was the family name of the АНГЕЛЫ (НГЛ) aka ANGELOS (NGL) who crucified Christ (Isa). To be exact it was his cousin Isaac II Angelos called in the Holy Writ as Pontius Pilate. Russian for most old texts is the oryginal language.


    3. Isaac II Angelos called himself Satana-il i.e. God Satana. Il and Allah is the same word. But after the Rus Crusaders seized Tsargrad in 1204 they killed all the Angelos to avenge for Christ so this name became synonimous of evil.

    4. But some of the Angelous (who were of Armenian orygin) managed to run and supposingly settled in what is called Georgia now. Later some of them moved to what we call England now. In mid-17 century they captured power on the islands and created the current British elite.

    see more
    (rote, 24 May 2017 20:30)

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  11. Why Greeks do what they want and live good ?

    685 euro minimum salary in Greece , many public sector salaries 2000 - 3000 euro , pensions over 1000 euro

    … what is this ?
    (adrian_bucharest_romania, 23 May 2017 12:06

    This is not the right topic area to discuss, but in not so many words the Wage Gap is very wide in Greece. So the GDP per Capita is skewed to the high wage earners. For example, the average salary of a nurse in Greece per month is between 500-600 Euros, not that much. There are not "many" public sector employees earning 2000-3000 per month unless at the very top. Not sure where you are getting your statistics from.
    (Jugoslavija, 24 May 2017 18:29)

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  12. Also Rote my impression is that somebody tried very hard to create a caliphate in the balkans... I think they failed in Albania and Im so glad about it!!
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 24 May 2017 18:16)

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  13. @ Peggy and Andy UK Are you glad now that some complexed albanians liked your comments and shouted Fuck Islam? Does it help to make you feel better christians, those on the right side of history, those mentally and culturally advanced? Islam is a religion of peace and we are here to stay at least those muslims who have nothing to be ashamed of. Our communities are on the frontline against extremism and religious leaders have made it clear that we will not be used by foreigners to kill our brothers. Quran is wrong? There are different political interpretations of Quran... Read Rote's comments for more information and ask him if you have questions as he is the only one who can elaborate on these issues here. I have a lot while it seems to me that you're the only ones who dont have any because you know everything already. If these criminals are muslims I am Profet Muhamet!
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 24 May 2017 17:46)

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  14. @ Rote I didn't know these facts Rote but I trust your words more than Quran's words. That looked like a very strange dance to me and frankly I think that these Saudis are some very bad faces. And I didnt know who brought wahabbism into arabic world as I am one of the brainwashed people who take for granted anything...I thought they were born like that with their monarchies and the gold covering their cars...
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 24 May 2017 17:30)

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  15. Free

    You can't ban religions. That too would start wars.

    'Faith' is a word of hope rather than a word of certainty, but people have discover for themselves the emptiness of the hope they have been taught.
    (Bob, 24 May 2017 16:52)

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  16. In Koran as much as in Bible you find what's in your head and in your heart.
    If you want War, Bloodshed and Terror that's what you'll find.
    If you want Peace, then Peace is what you'll find.
    There is a Time for Everything! Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

    They are killing children "Allahu Ekber" Serbs used to kill children rasing the three-finger salute (Svetog mi Trojstva).

    Should we ban both Islam and Orthodox religions?

    I'm all for it, but since not all Muslims and not all Orthodox people are terrorists i think that wouldn't be a good idea.
    (Free, 24 May 2017 15:02)

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  17. RIP to all victims. Awful, absolutely awful.

    As for this: "So they should just spare us all this and start fixing this problem once and for all." what do you think that fixing looks like?
    (Nikolle, 24 May 2017 12:53)

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  18. Spot on Peggy. It seems that the only for peace is to let Muslims do what they want, where they want, irrespective of laws and customs in that country. No questioning or opposing their religion so that they can claim victimisation and justification for attacks. It's a religion of peace, but only for those that bow down and submit to it's brutal rules. You are also right about pointless gestures - people changing their Facebook profile as "support" being the worst.
    (Andy UK, 24 May 2017 10:47)

    Do you really believe that the Islamists have anything to do with Islam ? Then you know nothing. Islamists were created and sponsored by the West. It started in early 19 century when out of many versions of Islam the Brits chosed the Saudites. You know why ? Because their Wakhabbit versuon supposed that there were good Muslims and the bad ones. And you can do anything you like with the bad ones - take their property, children and even lives. The Brits liked such Muslims because it was exactly what they were doing in their colonies. Read about the end of the Mamelukes to know more. Current Islamists can use Karl Marx or Comics or Ensyclopedia of Britanica instead of Quran to cry their Alah-O-Akbar before killing Muslims or Christians. Many terrorists and terrorist organixations and such NGOs like Blue Helmets, Hizb-ut-Tahrir Ahmed Zakaev have their headquaters in Britain. So it was quite logical that the dogs will sooner or later bite their masters.
    (rote, 24 May 2017 11:33)

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  19. Skenderbeu

    Hundreads of children and adults are killed in MOSUL, AL RAQQA, HOMS, HAMMA, AL FALUJDJA, BEN GAZI, JELALABAD ... now FILIPPINES and nobody cares them ! The West has desroyed their homes, families, countries and now that the boumerang is returning they get surprised ! Britain is the Satan's (Shaitan) homeplace we know and that's why all those innocents were killed.

    By the way have you noticed what dance Trump was dancing in Er Riad ? It was an "old Arab dance" with the swords called "AL ARDA" ... heritage from our Mamelukes whose heavy cavalery was the best in the whole world in the Middle Ages. The Saudites came to power in 1811 when the Brits invited 800 most outstanding Mamelukes to Misr and massacred them ... So these two dogs have the same blood.
    (rote, 24 May 2017 10:51)

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  20. Spot on Peggy. It seems that the only for peace is to let Muslims do what they want, where they want, irrespective of laws and customs in that country. No questioning or opposing their religion so that they can claim victimisation and justification for attacks. It's a religion of peace, but only for those that bow down and submit to it's brutal rules. You are also right about pointless gestures - people changing their Facebook profile as "support" being the worst.
    (Andy UK, 24 May 2017 10:47)

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  21. Lunatics in action. Killing children in the name of God.
    (Free, 23 May 2017 10:41)
    No, in the name of allah.

    No doubt we are about to get another dose of "Muslims are scared because they might be a backlash" rubbish. They should be scared so that they can see that we are not going to take this lying down any longer.
    We are also about to hear how this is not real Islam but some perverted version of it. It IS real Islam. Read the Koran and it will be obvious that it is real Islam.
    No doubt we are about to her how we can't let them win and we have to show them that we are not scared and will continue to go to concerts and sporting events. Whoever says that, tell it to you daughter or son first or better still go to these things yourself WITHOUT any security.
    None of the usual rubbish that is going to come out, including candles, flowers and toys is going to fix anything.
    So they should just spare us all this and start fixing this problem once and for all.
    (Peggy, 24 May 2017 01:23)

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  22. But we are all grown up people and we need to elaborate on this issue Sara!! War is sad, blood is sad, terrorists suck as they target innocent people but we should be able to bubble something more than just "sad". Disgraces amd terrorists acts don't just happen. Arms and ammunition dont normally grow on trees, who supplies those to Isis? For example do you know that wahhabism has been brought to Bosnia, Albania, Kosova, and Macedonia by Saudi Arabia's HUGE funding of a whole network of medrese and organization who give poor and analfabet people monthly checks? Because otherwise muslims have lived for centuries in our laic countries as they also have lived in middle east, africa, asia, russia, without any problems with their christian neighbors. And most importantly these arabs with long beards and short pants have been active for at least 2 decades now and it is such a great surprise to see that Cia operatives never noticed them in Tirana, Skopje or Sarajevo? For example I read that the Syrian army just seized a quantity of isis arms in their base and those were produced in Israel? And now that I saw the orange Trump dancing the sword dance with King Salman of Saudi Arabia once that we know that the terrorists who caused the tragedy of September 11 were mainly from Saudi Arabia, now how can we not focus instead on the question of our laconic friend from Romania?
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 23 May 2017 23:31)

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  23. another sad day for mankind,a big thanks to american foreign policy.
    (royals, 23 May 2017 23:25)

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  24. sad
    (sad, 23 May 2017 20:49)

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  25. My reaction and Vic called me an idiot openly and I think he was right: I personally liked the comments of two out of the three groups I listed in my previous comment not because I think they contribute to any public debate on the terrorism but because if I dont like them b92 would think Im also a terrorist! And then I always get touched when I see blood of innocent people, it might have happened to my own daughter to die in a concert and she'll never be allowed to go in concerts from now on! What we never hear or read is a sincere call to elaborate on the causes of terrorism, who finances Isis, WHO?? How was the Islamic State founded, who produces their weapons, who planned this plague and who set aside resources to create and support it? Which makes me recall the last nato assembly held in tirana. To my greatest surprise the Us official who opened the assembly started by saying that there is a largely shared opinion that the US created Isis and then I expected him to reject that opinion. No he didnt and I couldnt believe to my ears! He went on with the usual talks but he never rejected that! Then I wanted to learn more on this issue. Does anybody recall those old good when we were born and the only international problem was Palestine v Israel? Now we know that we will die and Palestine & Israel will never solve their problem but in the meantime the problems have become hundreds and the main problem is to run at the olympic speed if we hear an explosion even when it is just some gas leaking from our smoking neighbor's apartment!
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 23 May 2017 20:46)

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  26. Was the West crying with SErbs, in their Kosovo, were murdered all over the place, children, old people, middle aged, farmers, villagers? No they continued about their business and every so often caught a bit of anti-Serb news on BBc, CNN CBC, FOX...
    (sara, 23 May 2017 20:45)

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  27. Vic has openly expressed his joy for the death of russians too and nobody asked b92 to censor him in that case? Besides all this, I would invite anybody to take a close look into what are our reactions to these bloody events. Reaction of the most illuminated among us: silence and grief as there have been so many victims recently at the point that nobody wants to write the usual idiocies people write on facebook. Solidarity, je suis Paris, je suis my mustache that cant do anything to stop this violence against teenagers! Reaction of those I would call "useful idiots from the diaspora and the west" whose deepest thought ever was Fuck Isis, as Isis ever claimed any empathy from the average brainwashed european or american. Reaction of angry serbs: We've fighting with this for decades now but our victims mean nothing to you! Reaction of complexed albanians after checking if Salman was from Lybia or from Tetova: Fuck not only Isis but also Islam in general!
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 23 May 2017 20:11)

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  28. So the bomber turns out to be from Lybia- they escaped the dreaded " Khadafi regime" what USA calls a horrible dictatorship so they go in and ruin a perfectly good country where everyone had free healthcare - Khadafi had to be an iron hand for these terrorists because he knew....but in the West it was a lie to people so that they can go in and take over their oil.
    Now look....bleeding hearts....
    Same sort of lies the west did against Serbia.
    (bleedingheart, 23 May 2017 18:14)

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  29. Muslims doing what Muslims do best, practicing their religion of "pieces" on the innocent.
    (Florida, USA, 23 May 2017 17:19)

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  30. All they can do is say "I'm sorry" or "this is condemned", Yet, yet, yet, the West continues to have a bleeding heart....and hands everything to them on a silver platter and showing heart wrenching documentaries to make us feel so sorry for them, but when my parents immigrated from Europe to the west they struggled and didn't even go to school but they could be trusted no matter where they went because they weren't like these conniving gypsies from the middle east.
    (sad., 23 May 2017 17:13)

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  31. Victory1999 is a troll whose comments are for some reason not filtered by the staff of B92, who supposedly read them before letting them through.
    (Reader, 23 May 2017 16:10)

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  32. Just as we were disgusted by the disregard for life during the break up of the Balkans due to dirty nationalism, so we are disgusted by this terrorism due to dirty religion.

    There every reason to share the grief, thoughts and feelings of decent humanity, and every reason to despise the murderers and anyone who is stupid and evil enough to find any joy in wickedness.
    (Bob, 23 May 2017 16:04)

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  33. I wish this would happen in serbia instead. I would cheer and celebrate with joy!

    You do your Albanian people proud with your hate speeches and you tell the world all about your kind. You associate yourself with ISIS, too.
    (Gerhard, 23 May 2017 15:45)

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  34. Just this morning on CNN I heard that ISIS is claiming responsibility for this carnage so therefore if they are involved and excuse my language I just want to say F**k ISIS.
    (resident of Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada, 23 May 2017 15:15)

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  35. Amazing to see how some people are full of hatred and applaud terrorism. We were getting lots of it throughout the 90s in Serbia by the KLA and the US and UK were supporting them back then and even now, their crimes are covered up.

    This is a good example of how the world is a complete mess. I feel sorry for all the many innocent people dying.
    (Zoran, 23 May 2017 14:49)

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  36. @Victory99- even though I believe you would celebrate, you are an overwhelming minority in the Albanian community who would. ANYBODY who thinks like you, Alb, Srb or other, needs to be put down like a rabid animal. and your comment is EXACTLY why Srbija needs to be on guard and never give in to mentally ill people like you...Your God is a false God!
    (Watcher, 23 May 2017 14:45)

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  37. I would like to ask someting the experts in economy from this website

    What do they think about Greece ?

    We always hear that Greece is dead but they have salaries and pensions even as in Germany !

    Gdp of Greece is 17000 dollars in 2017 how is that they live as the West ? why here in balkan we have to be always the most idiots in standard of living and others more smart ?

    Why Greeks do what they want and live good ?

    685 euro minimum salary in Greece , many public sector salaries 2000 - 3000 euro , pensions over 1000 euro

    … what is this ?
    (adrian_bucharest_romania, 23 May 2017 12:06)

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  38. Who gives a f**k !

    Did anybody bat an eye lid when the Balkans were in flames, when neighbour killed neighbour, when the young lost their innocence and spent their youth not enjoying themselves but running from snipers, when communists turned nationalists in a 24 hour period and when Europe allowed the massacres and now want the same Balkan countries to behave like saints or else...!
    (Chaos AD, 23 May 2017 11:31)

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  39. Lunatics in action. Killing children in the name of God.
    (Free, 23 May 2017 10:41)

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