Vučić revealed whether Serbia intends to impose sanctions on Russia

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, stated in an interview with TASS agency that he intends to continue with an independent policy when it comes to Russia.

Source: Tanjug
Foto:Shutterstock/Alexandros Michailidis
Foto:Shutterstock/Alexandros Michailidis

"We are not boasting off or anything like that, but as you can see, my answer will continue to be that we will try to defend our position as long as possible. We managed to do that for two years. Whether we will continue to do that - I don't know, but I hope so'', said Vučić in an interview with TASS Director General Andrey Kondrashov.

He stated that when the conflict in Ukraine began, he said that he did not know how events would develop and that a decision was made at the state level for Serbia to condemn the conflict, like everyone else, but that Serbia's position is not to impose sanctions on Russia.

"I said that then because we know from our own experience how it feels when sanctions are imposed on you. We have a friendly people and it would be unfair to treat the Russian people like that," added Vučić.

"But I told the Serbs that I couldn't guarantee that because I didn't know what the pressure would be like in the future. I didn't want to play the hero for one, two or three days, and then change my decision. But what I'm saying is, 'I don't know' , and when I say that I don't know, my word is more valuable than anyone's firm promise, pointed out Vučić

He pointed out that after exactly two years since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Serbia is the only country in Europe that has not introduced any sanctions.

"You have many friends in all European countries and all of them have imposed sanctions on Russia. Someone will tell you that they were imposed by the central government and that they are against it, someone will say that we have imposed sanctions on you, but we help in other things. The only country that has not done that is little Serbia," Vucic pointed out and added that at every international event he attends, "the main theme is sanctions against Russia".

Answering the question about the nature of friendship and brotherhood of the Russian and Serbian people, Vučić mentioned the proverb "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

He pointed out that as president he must always have a rational and pragmatic approach, but that human dignity and human nature are best appreciated in difficult times.

"In Serbian and Russian, as well as in all Anglo-Saxon, Germanic languages, there is a proverb that 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'. It is easy to be a friend in easy moments. To remain a friend, to remain honest when it is difficult, it is in such moments that you show your true face. I think that Serbia, as a small country, is more than honest in its relationship with the Russian state and the Russian people," said Vučić.

He added that as president, I must have a rational approach, but also understand the emotion that exists among the majority of Serbs.

"When I was little, my father took me to the Russian House (in Belgrade), and the best cartoon I saw was 'The Little Humpbacked Horse.' "Milica completed the 11th grade of a Russian school, and in that regard I am grateful to Russia for the help in her education and good upbringing. But those are his emotional feelings and I must put them aside, because my job is to lead the country," the President of Serbia emphasized.

Referring to the last Munich Security Conference, which was held from February 16 to 18, he assessed that it showed that international actors are no longer working to achieve peace.

"I represent a small country and I have no right to interfere in the affairs of large ones and, unlike most leaders, presidents and prime ministers, I know that our opinion is not very important, but sometimes it differs from others, and therefore it is noticeable," said Vučić.

He added that he has been to the Munich conference many times and that he thinks it is important to see and hear how the Western world thinks, and also to listen to different opinions and learn something. According to him, this time he could see a lot, but he expressed his fear that there were not enough conclusions that would allow finding innovative and inventive solutions in the direction of peace.

"It seems to me that the word 'peace' has become an unloved and unwanted word in the whole world," said Vučić and compared the pattern of behavior of the conference participants to an event attended by "football fans".

"For sure, a new architecture of world politics will appear and there will be many changes, and it will be very different from what was before. We are getting used to it a little, but the only thing I can say is that we must always protect our freedom, the right to our own opinion, independent decision-making and decision-making in accordance with the interests of our people," emphasized Vučić.

He wished to the "fraternal and friendly people of Russia" successful upcoming presidential elections, peace, stability, security and success.


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