Hurricane gusts, extreme rain, heavy hail; 11,000 people without electricity VIDEO
Hurricane gusts of wind, extreme rain and abundant hail hit Šid and its surroundings this afternoon.
Source: B92
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Ilustracija/Foto: Patryk Kosmider/Shutterstock
According to the residents of this town in Srem, Šid was left without electricity during the storm.
Hailz Serbia published a video on its Telegram channel showing the force of the storm in Vojvodina.
About 11,000 people are without electricity
As a result of the strong storm, which is still going on, three poles of the transmission line were knocked down in the territory of Sremska Mitrovica and Šid, which is why about 11,000 consumers in Šid are without electricity, Elektromreža Srbije AD (EMS - Electricity Transmission System Operator) told Tanjug this evening.
Three utility poles are completely down and all EMS crews are on the ground trying to restore power to consumers, EMS said.
"We have informed the competent authorities to collect aggregates for the population, because the malfunction cannot be fixed quickly. We need to raise the emergency poles," they said in the EMS.
They state that all EMS teams are on the ground, that the storm is still ongoing and that emergency poles are being brought in, reports Tanjug.