Federal Britain in confederal Europe

It's a pity that FKB sounds like one of Vladimir Putin's secret services, because the Federal Kingdom of Britain is what the British now need. To achieve this federal solution, we must create across the whole of Britain what Scotland has just magnificently rehearsed for us: a democratic, constitutional moment.

Timothy Garton Ash Source:
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  1. I can't think of anything worse than an "English Parliament". It would be dominated by Torys from South-East England and this would p*** off Northern England and the Midlands. What England needs is regional parliaments so that local decisions can be made locally. England has nine regions, give each of them their own autonomy and power making decisions. London's economic needs are different to the economic needs of the North West, Yorkshire and the West Midlands; this is why they should be in charge of their own economies. Also if southerners what to privatise their NHS, let them, but let us keep ours. Let each region make their own economic choices, let them promote themsleves. We have seen how Scotland has bloomed since the Scottish Parliament was established, let other UK regions bloom too. Germany and Switzerland have their own regional devolved states and they're two of Europe's best governed and richest countries in Europe, let the UK follow suit.

    True democracy is where you decentralise power and localise that power to the people it actually affects.
    (Ian, UK, 9 October 2014 14:37)

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  2. Without an English parliament the English are forced into being third class citizens. Reputable polls show that the majority of English folk want an English parliament, so should therefore be offered a referendum on an English parliament using the same rules used for Scottish and Welsh referenda. It's an odd sort of democracy that denies the majority of the population a say in how their country is governed.

    If the UK cannot survive the English having democratic equality with the rest of the UK then the UK does not deserve to survive.
    (Stephen Gash, 7 October 2014 13:08)

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