Ukraine, Crimea, and the unmaking of empires

Here is another way to think about what is happening in Ukraine: as the latest chapter in the self-decolonisation of Europe. After dismantling the Soviet empire at the end of the short 20th century, Europeans went back to finishing off the Austrian-Hungarian and Ottoman ones, including successor states such as Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Now it is the pre-Soviet Russian empire that is being challenged. Think of Russia's president as Tsar Vladimir the Last.

Timothy Garton Ash Source:
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  1. Though 20 years in western lalaland, itīs never too late to right a fundamental wrong.

    Serbs are waking up from their slow,flaggelant-ish zombie sleep-walking towards the €USSR abyss, heavily encouraged by Russias brotherly and steadfast, quick and decisive response to further the US/NATO plague over Europe. A bloody NATO noose in Georgia escalated to a solar plexus punch in Syria and yet another one right between the eyes in Ukraine. Russia is fully awakened and has regain itīs traditional super power status. The Zio-con dream of a unipolar US global NWO died in Ukraine.

    The Russian Ukrainians helped themnselves and turned right back on the US supported fascists so Russia could provide furter assistance, if Serbs finally could oust itīs 1.800 western NGOīs and the US occupation, Russia would defenitly do what it failed to do while weakened.
    (fas, 18 March 2014 08:11)

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  2. Great perspectiv
    (Kristijan, 16 March 2014 10:01)

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  3. Right, so NATO may have clawed back domination of Kosovo but their actions will ultimately reinforce the independence of Serbia. Yes, it does make sense. Finally. When will the West stop taking us all ordinary people for fools?
    (Teslavio, 14 March 2014 10:29)

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