1. Macedonians were not and are not Hellenes.
    First you have to know what means word Hellenes.
    Hellenes, derives from wor Ellas. Latinised turned to become Hellenes. But originaly the word was first, Ela /Hela/ Hellenes. which means, the new settlers. The Elas. Ela meaning, 'to come' Ela tuka, come hear.
    Who were those new commers, the Elas? They were the slaves.
    Macedonians should know what I am talking about. Thank you for the chance to say what I learned from historical point.
    (Tina, 18 September 2018 14:19)

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  2. Ahh, Gregorovic has spoken!! Well, show us the archeological artifacts that prove that the Ancient Macedonians were "Greek"! The fact that they were Hellenized" to a point does not make them Hellenes!! What language are we speaking now? The MACEDONIAN Monks, Kiril i Metodi built upon the existing Macedonian language to deliver today's Cyrillic! Tito had nothing to do with creating a
    Macedonian ethnicity, we already existed! Sorry, no "Greeks" exist in today's Republic of Macedonia, maybe 6 or 7.
    (Dimitar, 1 March 2008 01:50)

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  3. RE: The Denial of History

    Macedonia is Greek and Hellenic and the archeological artifacts bear witness to that fact.

    The language of Macedonians is Cyrillic passed down to them by the Greek Byzantines Cyril and Methodosius. Enough with the FYROM propoganda and the Republic of Macedonia for that matter-Tito's invention to expand his socialist republic to Bulgaria. The ethnic composition of FYROM is Bulgaria, Serbian, Greek , Albanian and Roma's.

    Greece is Macedonia, Macedonia is Greece. If the FYROM republic populace want to call themselves Greek, than by all means take the name.
    (konstantin gregovic, 29 February 2008 16:33)

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  4. Let's nix the old Yugoslav propoganda, and go straight to Demosthenes' "Philipics", a diatribe against the Ancient Macedonians, where it is clearly stated that the Macedonians were NOT considered Greek. I know, I know, there were no "Greeks" then, but for the sake of brevity we'll define them that way!

    Now, the word "Slav" defines a group of peoples who share common linguistic characteristics, and only came into use well after Christ's time. "Slav Migrations" are a Western narrative NOT BASED IN FACT, but only a theory and a shoddy one at that! Now, it appears that the Ancient Macedonians were, along with the Illyrians and Thracians, a proto Slavic people! OK, my theory versus your theory, now what??

    How about the facts? Modern Greeks are a mixed race of people presently occupying the territory of the Hellenic Republic, modern Macedonians occupy the territory of The Republic of Macedonia!! How does a Greek have exclusive rights to not only the ancient Greek heritage, but the Macedonian as well, whereas the Macedonians have not even the right to self declare as Macedonian, for God's sake?? Reality check, the "Greeks" of today should spend a little more time studying their own history and stop trying to deny the beingness of ethnic Macedonians! Their hatred of Macedonians reveal a people whose "reality" is hanging by a thread! Had they truth on their side, they would exhibit at least the bare minimum of dignity!
    (Dimitar, 29 February 2008 11:39)

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  5. It is absurd that MACEDONIA that is far more NATO and EU firendly than Greece is being kept out of these two Organisations.
    Greece is abusing it's positins.

    I suggest the Veto is abolished in EU, NATO and UN.
    Veto right is being beinf abused for personal, internal and national interessts. It was supposed to serve Organisations interest in a fair way.
    Absolutely amazed Greece gets away with this, treating it's natural neighbour this way.
    Greeks are far better treated in Macedonia than macedonians or any other minority is treated in Greece.
    Macedona, you have majority of peoples understanding, it's ashame this is not chanaled threw our governaments, to tell Greece :enough is enough!
    MACEDONI should only change name, if their citizens (macedonians, albanians etc) want to do so, and should be a name chosen and accepted by the people of Macedonia.
    (ToniUK, 28 February 2008 22:19)

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  6. When Macedonia recognizes Kosovo please dear Serbs don't insulted as you plainly insult the proud Macedonian people everyday by referring to their country as FYROM.
    (KS, 28 February 2008 21:53)

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  7. The encyclopedia of the Yugoslavian military describes the FYROM ancestors as Slavic tribes that arrived in the area in the6thecentury.Dragudati,Rinhini,Brajaci,Smoljani,Velegiziti to mention a few.
    February 1992:FYROMS presiden
    Kirov Gligorov at an interview he stated" we're Slavs, who came into the region in the 6t century.We
    don't claim to be descendants of ancient Macedonians.
    Jan 22,1999:Mrs Ljubica FYROM
    ambassador in US :We're Slavs
    who speak a slavic language.
    We do not claim to be descendants of Alexander the
    February24,1999:Gyordan Veselinov FYROM ambassador to Canada.We're not related to northen Greeks who produced leaders like Phillip
    and Alexander.We're Slavs and our language is closely related to Bulgarian.There is
    confusion about our identity.
    I will add to that Skopje was never part of Macedonia but that of dardania.
    The present leadership of FYROM has entered a dangerous
    territory by falsifying history and culture in order to placate the Albanians and
    Turks that make up nearly half the population.It was
    interesting to read a statement by the Turkish president during his visit to
    Skopje in 2007.Every 10 families living in FYROM one
    is Turkish and twice as many
    living in Turkey.The muslims
    will overtake the slavs with
    the time.This will happen sooner rather than later.
    (Leonidas, 28 February 2008 21:29)

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  8. Than I begin to think, shouldn't be a large entity - possibly including Albania to avoid unnecessary conflict (we know where) - created again. That country should have relation with EU like Norway or Switzerland and no military relation to anyone. The break-up of SFRY was strongly supported from outside and insanity spiraled. Such ideas do not benefit E.U., do not benefit NATO, do not benefit Russia, do not benefit USA - hence sadly it won't happen anytime soon.
    (Ataman, 28 February 2008 20:57)

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  9. Greece didnt say anything when the good old SFRY was around because we were too strong for them. That's why.
    (Zlatko, 28 February 2008 18:38)

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  10. Why didn't Greece threaten Macedonia Republic in Tito,s times it had the same name also then. … Now it seems Greece has found its balls when Macedonia Republic is small. … It now feels it can intimidate and bully Macedonia Republic. What is Greece afraid of ,is it not treating its minorities nicely and with respect. … It has more than 10 times the military and economic resources of Macedonia R. … I'm sure Macedonia R. will threaten and claim Greece's territory and NATO get real Greece. … The world thinks Greece is being absurd and petty you don't have any sympathy by your absurd stand in the world opinion is against Greece. … I guess your politicians at elections also through the year have noting else to rile up the people and to wrap them selfs in the Greek flag to vote fore them.
    (Lenard, 28 February 2008 14:32)

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  11. No, it does not imply "territorial claims", it implies that there is an ethnic Macedonian minority in Greece, the remnants of a far larger Macedonian population forced to the four corners of the earth as a result of Greece's ethnic cleansing and forced assimilation policies! Greece's attempts to de-ethnicise the Macedonians, is an attempt to conceal it's crimes against the Macedonians since the annexation of Aegean Macedonia! As such, Greeks are in a losing battle with the truth which no amount of force, vitriol or brute power can eradicate! Their polemics (and manipulations, witness; Greek national TV playing edited film of the Serbian riots at the US Consulate in Belgrade and claiming it to be 'Macedonian Nationalists' attacking the Greek consulate in Skopje ), only reveal a people bearing the dire effects of nationalist propaganda at it's worst!!
    (SwoopingEagle, 28 February 2008 13:48)

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