1. It seems now Serbia is required to give up Kosovo in order to join the EU? At least that is what he is implying.

    Strange how he doesn't mention that one plausible solution which people on both sides of the divide could agree on. Partition. It’s the obvious solution and the sooner it gets backing from the International Community the better the chances it can be achieved without violence occuring in the process.
    (Matthew, 12 April 2007 18:33)

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  2. Mr. Fisher could not be more off the point when he says that Serbs do not know whether to look to Belgrade or Pristina for protection. The Archbishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Macedonia has just spent over a year in jail, an Orthodox Church of Montenegro is being established by the government there. These "new world" banana republics which will be soon joined by Kosovo do not have a good record in protecting the rights of Serbs, do they?
    Furthermore Mr. Fisher's comment that the future of EU is tied to Kosovo somehow belittles EU's existence.
    (Krcun, 12 April 2007 18:47)

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  3. Dear Mathew,

    You frequently talk about partition. How should Kosovo be partitioned according to you? Would Serbia give the Presevo walley for the North of Kosovo?

    I would appreciate sincere answers from you?
    (Alban Castro, 12 April 2007 19:01)

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  4. There is the english language version in the Guardian yesterday

    If you read it you can see that he is short on substance and clearly the International community are now so desperate to put across any message for Independence that they lose sight of credibilty and it backfires into being shown up for an even greater folly!!!
    (Princip, UK, 12 April 2007 19:02)

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  5. as far as I remember, instead of graduating in University in Frankfurt,Germany,Mr.Fischer threw stones and beat policemen with a baton in the past...

    and now he dares giving advises to Serbia

    wasn´t it himself who justified the bombing of Serbia with the Holocaust and with that belittled the organized killing of 6 million jews throughout europe by Nazi-Germany???

    Mr.Fischer, bravo.
    (jovan, 12 April 2007 19:53)

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  6. Partition is the most reasonable solution. Partion on ethnic lines. If the Albanians don't want to live in Serbia why should the Serbs live in Kosovo? It is funny how not all the options have been brought out into the open and independence is the only solution according to the West and the KLA. Why Should the Albanians take ALL of Kosovo? The EU seems divided and there are other countries in the UN that will think twice before giving independence to such a tiny state..All the while they say independence will not set a precedence anywhere else.. What ever.. The KlA need to find out that they a pawns in an effort to destabalize the Balkans..
    (Whateva, 12 April 2007 20:21)

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  7. Please someone explain to me why Serbia should give up it's territory (Presevo valley) to gain back territory that already belongs to it (north Kosovo)! I have an idea. Why don't the Albanians give up part of Albania in exchange for part of Kosovo? Now that's a fair trade, right Alban? What other EU country had to give up a part of it's land to gain EU membership? Short answer "0"
    (Zoran, 12 April 2007 21:07)

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  8. It is funny when Serbs speak of partition along ethnic lines...when it would suit them like in case of Kosovo.
    But what about Vojvodina ? There it is a well known fact that the Hungarians are harassed and discriminated on a daily basis. Why not solve that problem too along ethnic lines? Let the northern part of Vojvodina rejoin Hungary. It was taken from Hungary in 1918 to make Yugoslavia economically more viable.
    (Joe, 12 April 2007 21:35)

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  9. Alban, I've always strongly supported the inclusion of Presevo in any comprehensive partition plan, also the ability for Kosovo to join with Albania proper if the population so wishes to do so. Those are two of my biggest complaints about the Ahtisaari plan.

    However, the sticking point would probably happen in regards to those areas of immense historical and cultural value to we Serbs that we consider them to be the very foundation of our civilization.

    I am very open to your ideas about how to go about a compromise in regards to this situation. I think I could be satisfied with Vatican Level status for our Church. However, I'm curious, what would it take for your people to include at least Pec in the Serbian area? Massive financial aid? Additional territory from somewhere within Serbia? Support for your people in other regions like Macedonia or Montenegro? A sincere apology by the Serbian government? If you could ask for anything, what would make you feel comfortable with such an arrangement?

    Keep in mind, any compromise that gives more Albanians more land and freedom is better for you. Even if you had to give up a small amount of Albanian inhabited territory in order to have more Albanians live freely, I personally believe that's a net gain for your people.

    Ignoring the issue and letting partition happen in a violent fashion does neither of our people good. I strongly suggest an exchange of ideas just to see where each side stands. Partition does have the ability to give the Kosovar people so much more then what the Ahtisaari proposal has to offer. It may be that we need to wait until Ahtisaari's proposal is rejected before we can have a serious discussion on the issue. While the West is promising you the entire region of Kosovo I don't see why you would really even want to compromise. I think that was the serious problem with the negotiation process. Hopefully Russia will bring some balance to the talks and we can actually look at all of this objectively.

    I do wish your people experience peace and freedom, I only hope that it does not come at an unreasonable cost to my people.
    (Matthew, 13 April 2007 00:00)

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  10. Dear Alban,

    You're missing the point about partition. What Matthew means is that Serbia could give independence for southern Kosovo in exchange for northern Kosovo. It has nothing to do with Presevo, since it is not part of Kosovo.
    (Nenad, 13 April 2007 00:40)

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  11. How do you people envision to partition Kosovo? Take northern Kosovo away from the territory? What does the North mean to the Serbs, in both historic and religious terms? Nothing? I thought that the Decani and the Pec region were where the "craddle of Serb nation" first emerged and that's where the most important religious sites are located. Or at least that's what the Serbian government is arguing for - "Kosovo as part of Serbia because of historic, religious ties and so on.." Forget about northern Kosovo.
    As such, partition is no real solution, because you really can't have a country-to-become divided in three/four pieces. The only viable solution is interntionally controlled independence where Serbs and every other national minority group will be treated equally as the majority ethnic group comprising Kosovo.
    (Edwin Korac, 13 April 2007 01:19)

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  12. as the saying goes...secession begets secession; partition begets parition...a domino effect will create political chaos worldwide believe me...
    (abdul aziz, 13 April 2007 10:08)

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  13. To divide Kosovo is a very bad option because I consider Serbia cannot be divided. Not a single meter of land. None. Recognize and respect its borders please!
    (Justice Veritas, 13 April 2007 10:44)

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  14. Matthew, I realise your sentiment is well meant in the desire for compromise.

    You hit a real point - that the point for compromise has not been reached. I am quite certain that this will be clarified even more so in June at the G8 summit. That is why I was so pleased when Ceku announced May as a new deadline - hopefully at that point he will realise that the US cannot deliver on a promise it could not make despite once more accepting an ever changing deadline that has been given to him and others falsly since 95/6 when the BND (German) & CIA (US) not so secret services hatched the violent plot against Serbia.

    When Ahtisaari became more explict with great clarity that his plan is nothing less then Independence he was in fact ensuring that this plan will never be acceptable. No veto's will be required as this has now ensured no affirmation. Only the suspected 4 (US, UK, France & Belguim) voted for this partition plan for Serbia - note the conspicuous absence of Italy let alone Slovakia - so much for EU Unity - little media reporting on this too. I am certain that very few others will waver towards promoting the dismemberment of a fellow UN recognised State - certainly far fewer then the 9 required. However, it provides the get out clause for the US - they tried their best!!! As for the Germans well, they too tried to persuade the EU as president during these months but alas they did not have a vote in the UN SC. May indeed will be the end of such Folly as attempting to dismember a fellow UN recognised state!

    Following that point there will be no ILLEGAL declaration nor large scale violence. The US have already tried to suggest otherwise but I am certain that behind closed doors they have told Ceku & Sediju that there is no hope in this route. The US cannot without great disgrace and loss of it's final credibility as International Superpower ignore the UN and a UN resolution that it agreed upon by recognising an Illegal declaration dismembering a fellow Un state. To do so opens so many more consequences for Russia and China to take advantage in all they wish to do in their best interest. The US would descend even more then it has since the last time it choose to ignore the UN - Iraq!!!

    But what then?

    I understand the sentiment of partition but that is not the answer as it does not pull down the barriers between all the poeples but forges a new wall at a different point instead - it is still the creation of new borders. True reconciliation can only be gained through the delopment of trust amongst all the poeples of Serbia - no matter what their ethnic background!!!

    I say this because I am always drawn back to the question;

    What difference is there between an ethnic-Albainian from Belgrade, Presevo or where ever else they may live in Serbia over those ethnic-Albanians who live in its province of Kosovo & Metohija ???

    Suggesting partition of Serbia be that 100% of it's province or a portion of KiM and or other regions express little hope for reconciliation for all the poeples of Serbia. It is this that goes directly against all that the US & EU funadmentally stand for. This is in fact fundamentally fascist in nature - that different people cannot live together and is one step from the follow on concept that one ethnic group is superior over the other! Such a scenario as partition of Serbia of any kind does little to Support EU values and goals and is in fact the best principle that Serbia has to protect its integrity territorially and for many worldwide. What is partition suggesting other then mass migrations either side of the new border (wherever it maybe) for all peoples concerned. Moroever it ensures those who are willing to turn to violence are spurred on throughout the world untill of course we have a UN of 10,000+ mini monoethnic states because some people cannot learn to live together in peace and find true alternatives to violence and war!

    REAL TALKS & REAL NEGOTIATIONS are the only way forward to COMPROMISE and over coming barriers that seperate all the peoples of SERBIA as a WHOLE.
    (Princip, UK, 13 April 2007 12:29)

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  15. "..include at least Pec in the Serbian area"

    My friend thats my hometown, and let me tell you smth, inhabitans in that area are 95% Albanians, the rest are Bosniaks, Roma and some Serbs around Pejas municipality, so I dont get how you are going to integrate this part to Serbian area as you call, have you even looked at the map where it is?
    And talking about partition from northern Kosova, then we should get Presheva valley, or better knowned southern Serbia, are you Serbs ready to give a away that part? I guess a big NO in that issue thats the same with us! So lets stick to the borders that are now befor a war starts again and we have UN staying for decades in both Kosova and this time Serbia! Supervised Independence is the only solution, you have the intire world watching whats happening to Serbs and we are not going to do any revenge things, we are leaving that behind us but radicals in Serbia are opening those wounds again and when ppl get enough, it explodes and we have civilians in both sides being the biggest victims as always...
    (Peja, 13 April 2007 15:16)

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  16. Peja, my two favorite Albanians that post here, Louie and Jeton, are from Pec as well. I consider them friends, and the stories of what they experienced are truly horrible. I myself have serious questions about how to go about such a thing, and to me it is not an ideal solution. That is why one of my possible suggestions would be Vatican level status for our Church. However, any partition plan must include enough of our cultural sites to give us Serbs a feeling that we still retain the cradle of our civilization, otherwise it will merely be a temporary solution to a persistent problem.

    Princip, I am a true Yugophile with great respect for all the communities that made up our once great nation. I think it was terrible that nationalistic extremists on all sides divided and tore up my beloved Yugoslavia. Any solution to the issue must be acceptable to the Albanian population as well as the Serbs, this is the condition the Russians have put on us. However, that being said, I do believe there are possible alternatives to partition that may grant the Albanian population what they require. I would be curious to hear in-depth suggestions on what rights and guarantees you would grant the Albanians. I do think it might be an interesting experiment to allow the Albanian population to run the executive branch in Serbia for a while or something.

    I think the important thing right now at this point is to throw all ideas on the table, no matter how strange or unrealistic they may sound. We must engage in an honest and open discussion of possibilities and exchange of ideas. Our two people's must learn to talk with one another in a mature and reasonable fashion, or the region's future will fail and descend into violence, something neither of us desire.
    (Matthew, 13 April 2007 18:31)

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  17. To the Serbs strongly opposed to partition consider this. If we can come to a peaceful mutual agreement with the Albanians on how to deal with Kosovo, then I see no reason why we wouldn't be able to open a discussion on Bosnia with the Croatian population. Keep in mind that Serbs and Croatians together form a majority of the population of Bosnia and both our peoples would be happier living in our mother countries. If we set a peaceful precedent for solving these types of problems, it would show the international community that we possess the political maturity to solve our own issues working in a peaceful manner. Bosnia, as it currently stands, is not a viable country and everyone knows it needs serious modification. How we handle Kosovo will effect how Bosnia is handled. Do not lose sight of the big picture.
    (Matthew, 14 April 2007 01:37)

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  18. stop lies!
    Serbs want kosovo mines,nothing else(what serbian historicals thing is there in mitrovica?)...
    Including peja is just a way to hide the real objectif which is here the control of the mineral ressources of kosovo...(peja is more than 95pc albanian )...
    So NO to partition and any other stupidity like that, otherwise we will ask other partition too(presheva,voivodina and sandjak for the beginning)
    (lili, 14 April 2007 15:56)

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  19. Lili,

    The Trepca mines are a non-issue. Might I remind you that the International Community already sold off ownership of the mines and pocketed the money to pay Milosevic’s “debts”. Both Serbs and Kosovars got burned in this. I personally don’t care a lick about the mines. I personally would give the mines to the Kosovars if it ensured that we received our Cultural sites.

    OK, I could see you asking for Presevo, but I don’t believe the Albanians hold any sort of claim over Sandzak or Vojvodina. I personally would be more then happy to exchange Sandzak for Republic of Srpska, I think that’s fair. I would also support giving parts of Vojvodina to Hungary if it resulted in uniting the Serbian people under one country and retaining our Holy Sites.

    However, it seems we may be coming to a consensus with the Albanians. Once that is done, then we can talk to the Bosniaks and the Croatians about Bosnia. If the Bosniaks don’t want to trade, I’m sure the Croatians would vote for Serbs to join Serbia and Croats to Croatia. Peaceful negotiations representing the will of the people and the right to self determination should be the rule of the day.

    What’s your compromise solution Lili?
    (Matthew, 14 April 2007 22:44)

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