1. “Serbia will act in accordance with behavior of EU states.”

    So then, Serbia will throw Russia under the bus by putting sanctions on Russia in accordance with the EU.
    (Mary, 31 March 2019 13:05)

    # Comment link

  2. @glow
    You are still here? Freedom of speech in rep Serbia is 100%free.
    Like in EU within the Law.
    I was in Serbia for a considerable time and I know.
    And still come&go.
    Not like in kosovo*. WILD.
    Where Kosovo *authority beat human beings, and stopping President of KiM free movement. Same "things" are begging EU for visa liberalization? Yes while forbidding others, curtailing movements.
    As an elderly lady there is one
    medication I prescribe to Kosovo.
    *. A freedom of speech I am afraid is interfering with me.
    (Ljiljana, 30 March 2019 13:47)

    # Comment link

  3. "The EU commissioner "insisted on progress in the field of democracy and the rule of law for the benefit of society and the movement of Serbia on its European path."

    The tanslation of the above paragraph is as follows:

    1.EU knows that Serbian people have no free speech.
    2. EU knows that the law and justice department in Serbia is controlled by the government.
    3. That there is no EU path for Serbia until they do their "homework" which is recognizing the Republic of Kosova!
    (Glow, 29 March 2019 19:36)

    # Comment link

  4. Većina građana Srbije smatra da je Kosovo izgubljeno [link]
    (Avni, 29 March 2019 19:20)

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