1. LOL, "invited" - the Hague is a blatant joke. Maybe they can give him some biscuits and tea. It's incredible that Europe stood in silence knowing the history of the continent. There will come a time again in history where sides will have to be taken, and I really hope it bites Europe in the ass - in particular Germany, UK and France. I hate to say France because they have always been an ally until this last disaster, but they're French, that's what they do I guess. Don't come to Serbia asking for an alliance the next time hell breaks out in Europe - and you know it will, just a matter of time.
    (Chi, 7 December 2018 17:11)

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  2. This is how it will work. Walk in the front door they will make him coffee then after drinking it he will go out the back door.

    Western justice at its best.
    (sj, 7 December 2018 11:44)

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  3. Hang him!
    (Truth hurts., 7 December 2018 11:13)

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