1. You know very well that at the time the U.S. recognized North Vietnam and South Vietnam as two separate countries as it did China and Taiwan. That is the reason the U.S. had separate Embasies at each of the four countries named above.
    (The Count of Kosova, 1 September 2018 16:13)

    Where are those so called “Embassies” today?
    Does the US have an Embassy in Saigon? or Taipei? Was South Vietnam ever a member of the United Nations? Face reality, those so called “countries” do not exist in the real world.
    Comrade Count, the US has often supported illegitimate regimes around the world and eventually sacrificed their puppets. The script is well versed, the fate of the “US embassy” in Serbia’s southern province will follow the same fate as the embassy in Saigon or Taipei.
    (Zhukov, 3 September 2018 12:04)

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  2. Zhukov,
    You know very well that at the time the U.S. recognized North Vietnam and South Vietnam as two separate countries as it did China and Taiwan. That is the reason the U.S. had separate Embasies at each of the four countries named above.
    (The Count of Kosova, 1 September 2018 16:13)

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  3. Can you explain to all of us, how can US have two ambassadors in one country as you pretend to be!??????
    Wake up from your bad dream and face the real world!
    (the truth, 31 August 2018 15:57)

    In the real world, the US has had multiple ambassadors in one country: consider cases such as Hanoi and Saigon, or Beijing and Taipei. You should stop pretending that a fenced-in ghetto is a country.
    (Zhukov, 1 September 2018 09:36)

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  4. Njegos the US Ambassador to Kosova knows what time it is.

    It’s time to return Slav serb settlers to their place of origins.

    Indigenous Kosova will get Serb recognition and its about time you acknowledged reality.

    War Restitution is next.
    (Azir, 1 September 2018 04:07)

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  5. Finally, Kosovo is getting its US Ambassador to visit.
    (Navi, 31 August 2018 16:41)

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  6. Better leave his watch at home.
    (njegos, 31 August 2018 15:15)

    Can you explain to all of us, how can US have two ambassadors in one country as you pretend to be!??????
    Wake up from your bad dream and face the real world!
    Have you seen the new US Embassy in Pristina, is almost done!?
    (the truth, 31 August 2018 15:57)

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  7. Better leave his watch at home.
    (njegos, 31 August 2018 15:15)

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  8. Looks like Vucic confused a hell outta' americans?! Well that's the case when you install a guy with an Asperger Syndrom as your; 'man in the Balkans', ... instead of getting him a Psyhiatrist and a Therapy!
    (Nikola, 31 August 2018 13:11)

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