1. He is sadly mistaken however, and under the watchful eye of the US, he will pay a heavy price.
    (Moderate Serb, 1 November 2017 07:11)
    What did you have in mind?
    (Peggy, 2 November 2017 01:22)

    # Comment link

  2. I'm afraid it is Dacic that has committed political suicide. He has foolishly lied about Suriname rescinding their recognition of Kosovo.
    The document he provided as evidence that Suriname reversed their position has been proven to be fake. A statement from the Latin American nation attesting to the fact that they have not rescinded the recognition of Kosovo will be made tomorrow. Dacic was used to lying when he worked for Milosevic and now thinks he can get away with the same old propaganda. He is sadly mistaken however, and under the watchful eye of the US, he will pay a heavy price.
    (Moderate Serb, 1 November 2017 07:11)

    # Comment link

  3. Attention ignorant Slav serbs:

    Serbia 🇷🇸 has a history of committing SUICIDE!

    Greater Serbia was SUICIDE.

    Milošević ‘s death was SUICIDE.

    Milošević’s parents and uncle committed SUICIDE.

    Ratko 🐀 Mladic’s daughter committed SUICIDE!

    Continued INAT in not recognizing Kosova’s Independence is again SUICIDE.

    Any reasonable person can see Serbia have this infatuation with 💀 DEATH!

    Their death wish is SUICIDE!

    More “power” to you peasants....

    Now go out and celebrate.
    (Azir, 31 October 2017 19:54)

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