1. I think it's great to have more ties with Iran. Iranians are wonderful people. I would rather see Serbia do business with Iran than with Saudi Arabia.
    (tootsie roll, 31 October 2017 02:24)

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  2. After decades of observing Serbia and the dissolution of Yugoslavia, working and hoping for a better and noble Serbia, I can only say that I am so happy my ancestors left that land, with nothing. I am watching, with sadness, as Serbia becomes something I could never return to : backward thinking, more oppressive, aligning with terror nations. Is this what Titoism did? Just one generation is all it takes to lose the heart and soul of a once great people and nation. But Serbs let it happen. Playing with devils lands you in hell.
    (Betsy Lalich, 30 October 2017 19:31)

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