1. Avni, do you even know what the Hell you're talking about or do you throw a few words in English together and hope it sticks long enough to make a point?
    (???, 19 June 2017 21:17

    AGAIN: The proof is in the pudding.

    Projekcija dokumentarnog filma "Albanke su naše sestre" koji je trebalo da bude prikazan večeras u Medija centru u Nišu odložena je nakon što je grupa okupljenih ispred zgrade protestovala, izjavio je večeras Tanjugu direktor tog centra Mladen Veloić. [link]
    (Avni, 22 June 2017 21:09)

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  2. Serbs and Albanians lived together because Serbs conquered us! It was all about the "Great Serbian Empire", while oppressing and ethnic cleansing the Indigenous population. Typical story...now they're trying to make it sound as though we were fine prior to NATO. Pathetic.
    (Dardania, 21 June 2017 03:43)

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  3. Maybe they lived together out of obligation. Never had the same mentality or culture.

    At least we don't rewrite history books for our own current benefit.
    (trizo, 20 June 2017 23:00)

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  4. Avni, do you even know what the Hell you're talking about or do you throw a few words in English together and hope it sticks long enough to make a point?
    (???, 19 June 2017 21:17)

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  5. If Slavic Croats and Bosnians (and others) can't live with Serbs how can Albanians do that? The proof is in the pudding.
    (Avni, 19 June 2017 19:51)

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  6. Serbia Free People
    (Stefan, 19 June 2017 18:33)

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  7. Serbs and Albanians will never get along because the powers that be won't allow this to happen. If it does ever happen than the Balkans will finally be set free from external interference, and we will again be masters of our own destiny. All it takes is a simple sorry from both sides and a pact of brotherhood for the future, while simultaneously letting go of the past.
    (Love Is Stronger., 19 June 2017 18:25)

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