1. Montenegro has been politically colonised...

    Montenegro must now spend 2% of its GDP on its NATO alliance obligations, yes that's right, little Montenegro must pay up...!

    The puppet government of Montenegro are joining a western-led alliance In its crusade of world domination where it plans to rule for a thousand years... NATO has no intention to disband, but it seeks to get stronger and incorporate more and more countries into its geo strategic foreign policy...

    We can officially say that Montenegro has been politically consumed by NATO...!
    (Nikola novakovic, 26 May 2017 02:13)

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  2. Montenegro, just like the rest of serbia's neighbors, will leave Serbia in the dust. I see montenegro joining the EUROPEAN UNION within 5-10 years
    (Lil B, 25 May 2017 21:00)

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  3. Embarassing...sramota.
    (judgement, 25 May 2017 18:21)

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  4. I wonder how this will make the families of those killed by the NATO bombings in Montenegro feel... This is insanity.
    (Serbian - Canadian, 25 May 2017 17:03)

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  5. Canon fodder for America
    (Diana, 25 May 2017 15:04)

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