1. Albanians would welcome it, we know Bosniaks are just Serbian Muslims and that both them and Montenegrins are ethnic Serbs. If you want to do so, do it. We don't oppose ethnic Serbs uniting together.
    (Guest., 23 April 2017 04:32)

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  2. I don't care what you will doo if its wright do it if not don't do it the only think I know RS is not a country so don't know if the rules CAN APLY if you can or not but if two country's agree they can do what they want JUST SIMPLE same as east and west Germany did...
    (justhetruth, 20 April 2017 04:39)

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  3. According to Vucic:
    "If we said we'd form union with RS - what would you say?"

    This is precisely what Dodik of RS and a great number of Serb politicians have been implying for the last 20 years.
    (The Count of Kosova, 20 April 2017 04:18)

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  4. "I ask the international community - what would happen if (Serbian PM Aleksandar) Vucic said that unification of Serbia and the Serb Republic (RS) was possible if we don't join the EU? I'm sure everyone would react and accuse Serbia of being a threat to peace," Dacic said.

    -- Nobody will say anything. For sure you won't find Albanians saying that will happen only through war. As a matter of fact if the EU closes it's membership for the western Balkans, RS will join Serbia for sure; and at that point it would only be natural. Now if the Serbs had some decency and some intellectual honesty, they would say out loud what they already say to their inner selves. Under those circumstances it would be natural for Kosova to join Albania as well. The key benefit to joining the EU is that it would do away with the unease of these unifications. Instead in the EU everyone has access to everything and open borders and free trade. A much better and elegant solution.
    (J, 20 April 2017 03:09)

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  5. RS was created by means of genocide. Apples and oranges.
    (Avni, 19 April 2017 21:44)

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  6. Serbs murdered over 200,000 Bosnians to create RS and Crime must never pay!

    Kosova belongs to its INDIGENOUS inhabitants.
    Never was Slav and never will be....

    Vojvodina I agree with your assessment.

    Serbs can't commit crimes and expect to keep the loot.

    Serbia owes war reparations to Slovenia,Croatia,Bosnia and Kosova.

    I support uniting all patriotic Slav Serbs in the International War Crimes Tribunal....

    But they must guarentee to never request "Community of Municipalities of Serb Terrorists."

    Serb Criminals and Serb's victims can never be treated equally.....
    (Azir, 19 April 2017 21:13)

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  7. If all the countries in the region realized that if they stop fighting over borders and instead open the borders to trade with each other they wouldn't need the so called European "Union" for anything! The EU and US only gain from the lack of unity amongst the Balkan countries. The Balkans are the pivotal link between East and West, why not use this to your advantage instead of fighting with each other?
    (RSA, 19 April 2017 19:22)

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  8. Enough wars were fought for everyone to conclude that these ethnic groups don't want to live with each other.

    Would I mind if RS and Serbia joined? Probably not.

    The three ethnic groups that make up B&H fought each other in the 90s. Twenty years later the country they make up still doesn't function properly. There's a good chance it may never.

    I suppose if you're Bosnian you would probably disagree with me as Bosnia would become the sacrificial lamb.

    The other question is why is Dacic raising this question? Is it because he really cares or is it for personal gain? If this came from a respectable member of Serbian society, and not someone who was a member of the apparatus that was responsible for much of the bloodshed in the region, maybe no one would make a big deal.

    It's a fair question that should be entertained.

    If I agree with the sentiment that most Albanians and Croats should live in the same country but don't think the same privilege should be extended to the Serbs than that would make me a hypocrite.

    I think this would be beneficial solution in the long term for the region although it would be unfair to certain ethnic groups.
    (cry me a river, 19 April 2017 17:09)

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  9. Well personally I believe union between RS and Serbia makes more sense than holding onto lost Kosovo. We could take RS and strike a deal to take Northern Kosovo as well, expanding our territory by much more then what we have now.
    (Serbian - Canadian, 19 April 2017 12:07)

    I'm with you on this one. As an Albanian (from Albania) I don't think that Kosovo can or will in the near future have total control of Northern Kosovo. It won't happen. So Serbia can join RS and have northern Kosovo too but the rest of Kosovo needs to join with Presevo valley and the Half of Macedonia. The other half of Macedonia can go to Bulgaria. So we can sort once and for all, all the issues we currently have in the Balkans. Greece would be happy too because they can no longer fight Macedonia regarding the name issue. Call me crazy but this is the reality.
    (Vlonjat, 19 April 2017 15:25)

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  10. It's not at all the same.

    RS was won with the biggest unprovoked genocide Europe has seen since WW2.

    Kosovo was given to its rightful owners by the international community.
    (Vojvodina, 19 April 2017 13:29)

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  11. I Would Say - HALLELUJAH !!!.

    CCCC !.

    (Arn.Sweden., 19 April 2017 13:07)

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  12. You can unite in an union with Bosnia as RS is part of Bosnia. It would not bother anyone.

    Kosova is an Country, not part of Serbia and it would not be an threat to anyone if it unites in an union with Albania.

    The only threat to Croats, Bosniaks and Albanians is an country called Serbia. Its an factor of unstability in The whole region.
    (Kastriot, 19 April 2017 12:25)

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  13. Well personally I believe union between RS and Serbia makes more sense than holding onto lost Kosovo. We could take RS and strike a deal to take Northern Kosovo as well, expanding our territory by much more then what we have now.
    (Serbian - Canadian, 19 April 2017 12:07)

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  14. I'm all for unification of ethnic entities in a single state.

    Austria-Hungry didn't work
    Ottoman Empire didn't work
    Yugoslavia didn't work
    Roman Empire worked for a while yet suffered the same fate eventually.
    EU and USA will go the same way

    We are quick to get upset with the Albanians. Why not sit down and hammer out a solution which is best fit. Work out trade deals on a local level and then a second layer with other countries.

    I would love to see rep sprksa and Serbia and Montenegro join, Macedonia can be divided by Albania and the rest between Serbia and Bulgaria.

    Kosovo is now ethnically cleansed. Can any Serb really see Kosovo a part of Serbia ever again? It's not 1908
    (Bulgar of Ohrid, 19 April 2017 12:00)

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  15. "I ask the international community - what would happen if (Serbian PM Aleksandar) Vucic said that unification of Serbia and the Serb Republic (RS) was possible if we don't join the EU? I'm sure everyone would react and accuse Serbia of being a threat to peace," Dacic said.

    Not really so don't worry! You have to be rational in what you say and why you say Dadic. But the problem is that whatever Albanians say or do to safeguard their existance, improve their lives and feeling equal doesn't go well with some Serbian or Macedonian polititians. Albanians are not slavs and do not wish to be converted into Slavs. Is this a threatening statement? Albanians wherever they live are in their land inherited from generations.
    (EA, 19 April 2017 11:22)

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  16. Nothing!
    We will not say a single word. Just try it! Hahahaha!
    But you should have the ba..s to tell that, is more fair to tell that because at least there live more than 1.5 million Serbs - than bark and make threats over Kosovo were live 98 % Albanians.
    Take care of your own people, because we will take care of ours – what is wrong on that ?
    (Joni, 19 April 2017 11:21)

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