1. Hey Junker - Maybe you and your German cohorts shouldn't have encouraged the breakup of Yugoslavia. What goes around, comes around. Karma's a bitch!
    (njegos, 31 March 2017 23:39)

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  2. Juncker you're to old to be smoking crack. Go crawl back into your hole. EU is on its last legs it will fall apart. You did enough damage to Europe with your liberal multiculturalism policies. Give the muslims a chance they will take over and you will become servent to Islam whether you like it or not.
    (Jovica, 31 March 2017 03:14)

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  3. this idiot...I'm not sure if he understands the difference between an independent country such as United Kingdom or Serbia and The state of Ohio. Ohio is not a nation but a state....big difference moron. It's fools such as this buffoon which continue to lead Europe down the toilet bowl of irrelevance.
    (judgement, 30 March 2017 23:55)

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  4. Juncker (hic): The man single-handedly (hic) subsidising Europe's wine and cognac industries (hic). I wonder how much he had to drink before he made this absurd comment?
    (Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin), 30 March 2017 20:25)

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