1. --- For icj1 ---
    Everything you say is wrong.
    (factman, 26 March 2017 20:31)

    You just forgot a small detail; i.e. to list at least one thing I wrote which is wrong.
    (icj1, 28 March 2017 02:13)

    We'll let's briefly consult "at least one thing" in the B92 archive:
    (Amnesty Yugoslavia, 30 March 2017 09:01)

    Who is these "we" and "us"? Are you and "factman" the same person? lol

    "countries such as the US allow states an unlimited number of referenda. "
    (Amnesty Yugoslavia, 1 September 2016 16:28)

    (Amnesty Yugoslavia, 30 March 2017 09:01)

    Congratulations for finding in the B92 archive a quote from yourself to prove to yourself that countries such as the US allow states an "unlimited number" of referenda, as nobody wrote anywhere on these forums that the US does not allow states an "unlimited number" of referenda.

    Sounds a bit weird for you to waste your time in finding your own writings and show them to yourself to prove to yourself something that nobody disputed, but in any case welcome back as your entertaining writings were being missed lol
    (icj1, 31 March 2017 16:34)

    # Comment link

  2. You just forgot a small detail; i.e. to list at least one thing I wrote which is wrong. 
(icj1, 28 March 2017 02:13)

    We'll let's briefly consult "at least one thing" in the B92 archive:

    "Few countries, if any, allow unlimited referendums, mate... " 

    (icj1, 31 August 2016 18:38) 

    Undisputed as factually incorrect (i.e. wrong) by:

    "countries such as the US allow states an unlimited number of referenda. " 

    (Amnesty Yugoslavia, 1 September 2016 16:28)


icj1, the CB of B92, continues to display his/her ignorance. Our resident bigot denies these and many other common facts. In another recent example icj1 has referred to a common GDP term as a "weird thing" and "nonsensical concept". We enjoy exposing icj1's dementia and delusions. If icj1 wishes, we'll be glad to repost more comments from B92 archives that unequivocally expose icj1's Idiocy, intolerance and ignorance.

    PS CB = Chief Bigot

    (Amnesty Yugoslavia, 30 March 2017 09:01)

    # Comment link

  3. Yes the theory is that most people emerged from Africa, but you guys have never mentally left it.
    (sj, 28 March 2017 13:01)

    By "you", does the CE of B92 forums sj mean the Serbs, since Tomislav has said that African countries are friends of Serbia and Tomislav even pointed out that he was the only president outside of Africa at the African Union Summit last year.
    (icj1, 28 March 2017 16:23)

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  4. Just FYI this shows how ignorant you are, all world population has African DNA, people emerged from Africa just so that you understand.

    As for native to Balkans it has been proven that Serbs are from Iran:


    (Bilbao, 28 March 2017 00:17)

    Yes the theory is that most people emerged from Africa, but you guys have never mentally left it. One small item, the languages that are spoken today are refereed to as Indo European so what is your point with being from Iran?
    (sj, 28 March 2017 13:01)

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  5. Juncker is right. The Balkans has been and still is a melting pot of nationalities and religions that basically can't mix. Things were fine under Tito and things are fine with the EU watching over us.
    If the EU collapses there is a strong possibility of an other war, not just between Balkan countries but with the prospect of Turkey and other Arab nations and of course Russia taking sides.
    America, with Trump, will stay out. Other European nations will not get involved without America. Russia will see a chance to spread its influence.
    The EU was created to stop Germany and France from going to war again. The EU has meant peace and prosperity for over 60 years. No time in modern history has there been such a long period of stability within Europe and without the EU things can, again, get ugly.
    (T, 28 March 2017 12:27)

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  6. ---- for icj1 ----
    Your posts are generally ignored.
    (factman, 26 March 2017 20:34)

    You apparently did not ignore them haha

    I think most people here would agree with that sentiment.
    (factman, 26 March 2017 20:34)

    Well, what you think, is not a fact so it does not really matter

    --- For icj1 ---
    Everything you say is wrong.
    (factman, 26 March 2017 20:31)

    You just forgot a small detail; i.e. to list at least one thing I wrote which is wrong. Otherwise you sound like a child screaming about something she does not like lol
    (icj1, 28 March 2017 02:13)

    # Comment link

  7. The majority of you shiptari have African DNA, so you're not "native" to the Balkans either.
    (Milos Obilic, 27 March 2017 08:43)

    Just FYI this shows how ignorant you are, all world population has African DNA, people emerged from Africa just so that you understand.

    As for native to Balkans it has been proven that Serbs are from Iran:


    (Bilbao, 28 March 2017 00:17)

    # Comment link

  8. Is there a moderator or is this a free for all? Disgusting comments from Serbs/Albanians, with also a DISTURBING-level from the piss graver.

    I wonder where your ancestor lies and even I could arrange for you to visit their grave. I'm sorry for your loss. :(

    (L*O*G*I*C, 28 March 2017 00:14)

    # Comment link

  9. What a ridiculous comment by the EU president. According to him the very existence of EU is to prevent another Balkan war.

    I suggest we blackmail them with a slogan:

    (Albanian Farmer, 27 March 2017 17:31)

    # Comment link

  10. Serbina

    "Slavic lands"

    Slavs are mongrels from asia. Our lands belong to its native inhabitans. That is us. Serbia is just a russian puppet state with gypsies inside also known as "serbs".
    (Victory1999, 25 March 2017 22:26)

    Cool story bro, except science proves otherwise. The majority of you shiptari have African DNA, so you're not "native" to the Balkans either.
    (Milos Obilic, 27 March 2017 08:43)

    # Comment link

  11. I would love to piss on your ancestors graves.....oh wait! I can book a ticket to Kosova and do it! Who is gonna stop me? Serboslavs? Ha!
    (Victory1999, 24 March 2017 23:04)

    What an intellect.
    (Albanian Goat Herder, 27 March 2017 02:34)

    # Comment link

  12. Sanžak in Turkish? Serbo in Latin? Ask rote.
    (B69, 25 March 2017 22:31)

    Emirates and velayets were the main administrative units of the Ottomans. Emirates like Misr (Egypt) included lands of several current states and enjoyed some autonomy. Usually velayets were smaller than emirates and were composed of several sanzaks (districts) headed by sanzak-beys(governors).

    What you talk about was just one of the multiple sanzaks. Most interesting is that it was called Little Russia (Raska) once. As I said it many times here the Njemanici (Namanians) had Rus rootes deriving from Neman river in the heart of Albania (Bela Rus) and their Uros (=Russian) family name supports my version that before 19 century none of the Balkan peoples had ever enjoyed a state of their own. Even for 45 minutes.

    If you compare the Russian Zakonnik of Ivan III and the Serbian one of Dusan Silny you will find much in common including the language. To say nothing that Dusan Silny sounds as Russian as Serbian.

    And if you compare the first Serbian and Russian Saints you'll be shocked that they all were of royal or kniaz origyn and all were boyars = warriors. Saintness was given for combat heroism but not for prayor ... Those Serbs were as Russian as Yuri Gagarin I guess.
    (rote, 26 March 2017 21:26)

    # Comment link

  13. Victory19 : Slavs are mongrels from asia. Our lands belong to

    Europe is a political definition that appeared in early 18 century. And nobody knows where it ends in the east. Because Romanovs' Russia was also part of the European project but it controlled only a miserable part of the former empire before 1775. Before project Europa was started in early 17 century the map looked like this :


    And of course all of us were Asians. Asia means Land of the As


    Those were the Rus and their allies called gods in Europe. Even the famous Scandinavian Odin is in fact Russian Один = Единый = The Almighty = la illahi il alla = the Single

    Gypsies were a respected caste of the Great Roman Horde but Serbs were top warriors like Kshatria. And genetically those who gave name to the current Serbs originated from Albania i.e. north-west Rus. Part of it still has the original name of Bela Rus with Minsk as the capitol. And their family names most often end with "ic" (Lukashevic, Popovic, Mogilevic ect.) Besides the Belorus people still call themselves the Sjabri (Сябры)

    (rote, 26 March 2017 21:15)

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  14. Good proof, look at toponyms-most from Slavic words just in Albania. Albanians have to thank Italy for creating their illegal country.
    (Serbina, 25 March 2017 14:42)

    Italians have good alibi in creating Shqiperia later rebranded as Albania. Simply because Italia as we know it today had never existed in any form (including the Roman empire on Appenines) before the Napoleon Wars. Victories of the Russians and then of the English army in Waterloo opened door for the first independence of what we call Italians now. In fact the 19-th century was the period when the Oldenbugs ruled the continent. To be exact their Windsor branch and to be more precise 9 children of Queen Victoria were at the helm of every second state here. Balkans were formed as a compromise between England, Russia and Russia all ruled by the Oldenburgs. The rest including the newly composed Italy were just statists. Finally let's be honest - Before the Balkan wars Serbs had zero problems with the Shqiptars for at least 400 years when they definitely weren't "worse than animals" as you say. Current problems are current problems but please don't falsify the already false history.
    (rote, 26 March 2017 20:53)

    # Comment link

  15. ---- for icj1 ----

    Your posts are generally ignored.

    I scroll right past them usually.

    I think most people here would agree with that sentiment.
    (factman, 26 March 2017 20:34)

    # Comment link

  16. --- For icj1 ---

    Everything you say is wrong.
    (factman, 26 March 2017 20:31)

    # Comment link

  17. (Serbina, 25 March 2017 14:42

    Do you know what it mean "NiŠ in Albanian?

    Sanžak in Turkish?

    Serbo in Latin?

    Ask rote.
    (B69, 25 March 2017 22:31)

    # Comment link

  18. Serbina

    "Slavic lands"

    Slavs are mongrels from asia. Our lands belong to its native inhabitans. That is us. Serbia is just a russian puppet state with gypsies inside also known as "serbs".
    (Victory1999, 25 March 2017 22:26)

    # Comment link

  19. We want our English cousins to get out because we respect them. And we want to destroy Davos. Thats why we encouraged Brexit.
    (factman, 24 March 2017 23:59)

    Who is this "we" and who is this "Davos" and how does he/she have to do anything with Brexit, dear? You sound a bit confused as you're not making any sense lol

    You created the Yugoslav crisis.... and you fu*cked up the Yugoslav crisis.... and you are still living with the Yugoslav crisis.... and sooner or later you are going to have to resolve the Yugoslav crisis.
    (factman, 24 March 2017 23:59)

    Who is this "you", dear?! In any case, there is no longer any Yugoslav crisis to resolve because Yugoslavia is dead! It appears you are chasing ghosts lol

    The Yugoslav crisis was fixable before you (Germany, followed by the Vatican) unilaterally recognized breakaway republics in order to expand your political and economic sphere of influence.
    (factman, 24 March 2017 23:59)

    First of all, I doubt that Germany or the Vatican read what a certain nobody called "factman" writes. In any case, I'm not sure what is the problem with Germany or the Vatican recognizing independent countries like Serbia and others!
    (icj1, 25 March 2017 22:02)

    # Comment link

  20. Serbs have a point. They will end up celebrating another lost war.
    (Besim, 25 March 2017 12:09)

    Next war they will celebrate together with the Russians again.

    (АЛБАНЕЦ, 25 March 2017 21:24)

    # Comment link

  21. Comments from Albanians here show how worse than animals they are.
    Albanians are living on Slavic lands. Good proof, look at toponyms-most from Slavic words just in Albania. Albanians have to thank Italy for creating their illegal country.
    (Serbina, 25 March 2017 14:42)

    # Comment link

  22. I would love to piss on your ancestors graves.....oh wait! I can book a ticket to Kosova and do it! Who is gonna stop me? Serboslavs? Ha!

    How many aliases do you use here?

    Ignorant comment, computer warrior.
    Most people of average intelligence would know better than to write something so stupid.
    Ignorant and stupid.
    (Gerhard, 25 March 2017 13:42)

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  23. Serbs have a point. They will end up celebrating another lost war.
    (Besim, 25 March 2017 12:09)

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  24. The problem isn't the Balkans. If Balkan peoples decide to fight, they would fight amongst themselves and that would be. The problem is when these powerful nations use Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia, and Bosnia for their own aims. They actually play war games with these nations and then blame them for instigating wars amongst all nations. Was WWI really the fault of one Serbian man? Of course not. What should have been was war between Austria and Serbia, but this escalated into a global war because the European nations wanted war with one another. What is needed is that all Balkan nations tell these powers to go to hell and take care of their own business.
    (Raisin Scone, 25 March 2017 11:30)

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  25. NATO will intervene!
    (Bob, 24 March 2017 14:29)

    and will stop to exist there and then
    (rote, 25 March 2017 10:54)

    # Comment link

  26. Americans don't care anymore about your idiotic self inflicted European problems.

    We want our English cousins to get out because we respect them. And we want to destroy Davos. Thats why we encouraged Brexit.

    You created the Yugoslav crisis.... and you fu*cked up the Yugoslav crisis.... and you are still living with the Yugoslav crisis.... and sooner or later you are going to have to resolve the Yugoslav crisis.

    The Yugoslav crisis was fixable before you (Germany, followed by the Vatican) unilaterally recognized breakaway republics in order to expand your political and economic sphere of influence.

    You made your bed, now you can sleep in it.
    (factman, 24 March 2017 23:59)

    # Comment link

  27. Vratnica

    I would love to piss on your ancestors graves.....oh wait! I can book a ticket to Kosova and do it! Who is gonna stop me? Serboslavs? Ha!
    (Victory1999, 24 March 2017 23:04)

    # Comment link

  28. "BALLI KOMBËTAR" its my name no stupid hord bs you always talk about.
    (BALLI, 24 March 2017 16:03)

    Thus BALLI is the shqiptare equivalent of the english FOREHEAD that lays straight in the middle of what I insist on! Because very often word HEAD/SAR/TSAR was used to mark the Horde and the Great Khans who always were Albanians i.e. from north-west Rus. Thus head and forehead is almost the same ruling organ and it's quite natural that in your language you used the Slavic word Bali = Beli = White = Alba = Abel = Blank = Balt = Belgi = Ak = Jak ect. Simply beacause the Beli Horde was the head of the world. Say in Persian head is SAR = TSAR ... under the same logic as the Shqiptare BALLI ... They wrote the orders for all and that's why we still call it ORDEr ... Welcome home !
    (АЛБАНЕЦ, 24 March 2017 20:51)

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  29. He just called the Serb Republic a country. :3
    (Revelation, 24 March 2017 17:57)

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  30. War is not good! But to prove a point one must crack some eggs to make an Omelets, let it rip and see how get their territory back, I'm like to go to visit my ancestors graves in Kosovo again.
    (vratnica, 24 March 2017 17:03)

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  31. (АЛБАНЕЦ, 24 March 2017 14:43)

    Enough with that stupid history lessons of yours. Changing your name from rote to albanec doesn't make you smarter . You still an idiot to me. "BALLI KOMBËTAR" its my name no stupid hord bs you always talk about.
    (BALLI, 24 March 2017 16:03)

    # Comment link

  32. Interesting...

    “If we leave them alone - Bosnia-Herzegovina, Republika Srpska (Serb Republic), Macedonia, Albania, all those countries..."

    He calls Serb Republic a country!
    (Sreten, 24 March 2017 15:15)

    # Comment link

  33. I Quote -

    “I told the vice-president, ‘Do not say that. Do not invite others to leave, because if the European Union collapses, you will have a new war in the Western Balkans,” Juncker said.

    “If we leave them alone - Bosnia-Herzegovina, Republika Srpska (Serb Republic), Macedonia, Albania, all those countries — we will have war again.

    Comment -

    If EU sticks its Nose in the Balkans again - You will Surely have a War.

    By the way -

    War is coming to the Balkans anyway,
    even if the EU stays intact.

    (Arn.Sweden., 24 March 2017 15:03)

    # Comment link

  34. Kosova will always be Albanian Kosova!!!
    (Kosova is The Republic Of Kosova, 24 March 2017 14:09)

    Could you please list some Shqiptare toponymals in the province that you even fail to spell correctly?
    (АЛБАНЕЦ, 24 March 2017 14:48)

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  35. As soon as Kosova has its army you can try .
    (BALLI, 24 March 2017 14:11)

    It's amazing that you fail to find words for your country, your capitol, your people, your nicknames other than those with the Russian roots ! Why not directly you call yourself Bali Orda so that no one would even doubt that you are missing your historical lands in Russia? For your better understanding the Albanians that fought on the Kosovo field were Bali Hordians ! Maybe that's why it's called Kosovo i.e, Cossakovo Polje. Because the Great Bali Khan Dmitry I (aka Murat I aka Constantine I) was killed there.
    (АЛБАНЕЦ, 24 March 2017 14:43)

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  36. No there won't.

    NATO will intervene!
    (Bob, 24 March 2017 14:29)

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  37. From this old defiant Serb, all I can say to the USA, England and Germany, Go to Hell !!!

    Although Satan has enormous power we the Serbian Slavic Eastern Orthodox Christians have access to far more power - God and Russia !!!
    (Dragoljub Djurkovic, 24 March 2017 14:23)

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  38. (Kosovo is Serbia, 24 March 2017 13:33)

    As soon as Kosova has its army you can try . Why are you so against the Kosova Army? Oh yeah you're used to fighting civilians that's why . Serbia is the original terrorist state in the world . Don't never forget that
    (BALLI, 24 March 2017 14:11)

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  39. I can't believe the democratic world hasn't went in and occupied Serbia ?
    A policy of de-Serb-radicalization is badly needed, just like in the 1940s in Germany with the de-nasification program which was successful!
    Kosova will always be Albanian Kosova!!!
    (Kosova is The Republic Of Kosova, 24 March 2017 14:09)

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  40. Let's pray that the Balkans never becomes the pawns of the west again by fighting each other!
    (Randy Savage, 24 March 2017 14:02)

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  41. He has a point. The Albanian terrorists are the biggest threat in the region and are hated and despised by everyone in the region. If it wasn't for US protection these parasites would have been taken care of long ago.
    (Kosovo is Serbia, 24 March 2017 13:33)

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