1. This is the best proof showing Serbs and their true intentions. They don't even want to know about crimes they committed against others yet pretend to stand for peace. We will never forget, nor forgive.

    Veliki broj TV kuća u Srbiji odbilo da emituje dokumantarac o zločinima na Kosovu [link]
    (Avni, 23 February 2017 22:00)

    Who cares if you dont forget or forgive. If Albanians were worth anything the west would have removed the depleted uranium form Kosovo instead of letting Albanians die from high rates of leukemia and other cancers.
    If you dont like Serbs why are your Albanians going to Serbia proper for medical treatment? Surely Albania would be more preferable?
    (sj, 27 February 2017 13:43)

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  2. This is the best proof showing Serbs and their true intentions. They don't even want to know about crimes they committed against others yet pretend to stand for peace. We will never forget, nor forgive.

    Veliki broj TV kuća u Srbiji odbilo da emituje dokumantarac o zločinima na Kosovu [link]
    (Avni, 23 February 2017 22:00)

    # Comment link

  3. Looks like the peoples on the peninsula have very shrot memories and mean to replay the wars of the 90s. But it's stupid to believe that the West will help them as very soon EU-NATO will have a much bigger headache in Ukraine. All other issues will be put on the farest shelves. Especially after the nuclear stations begin to blow up and the gas transit is stopped.
    (rote, 23 February 2017 16:27)

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