1. this is truly pathetic, Europe is becoming one big gypsy land. Why are they stuck in Serbia when their destination is an EU country, all around Serbia?
    (guest, 12 February 2017 17:36)

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  2. These are migrants NOT refugees. They pass through many safe countries and plan to turn down many more to reach their destination countries. They are asylum shoppers and all of them paid thousands of euros to human smugglers to get on this route.
    The true refugees are stuck in squalid camps around the borders of Syria and Lebanon, Turkey and other countries.
    Should they not also apply at the German Embassy in Serbia for asylum? If they can't get through due to blockage from Croatia, Hungary, etc., then why won't Germany send planes to Serbia if Germany really wants them or if they qualify?
    (ida, 11 February 2017 06:24)

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  3. Come to Germany... the more the merrier! Germans owe to society to take refugees... they have a huge dept to pay to the world.
    (Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin), 11 February 2017 00:05)

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  4. Congratulations to the girls and Info Park too! What an amazing step. If everyone would follow this example, the future of the girls would be much brighter but with borders closing and people turning their backs, I'm not an optimist.
    (roman, 10 February 2017 18:44)

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