Ambassador: Malaysia to back ICJ initiative

The Malaysian ambassador expects his country will back Serbia's ICJ initiative at the UN General Assembly.

Source: Tanjug

Saw Ching Hong told Tanjug that he believed that Malaysia would back Serbia in its initiative to seek the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) opinion on Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence, and that it would certainly not vote against the plan.

“Malaysia is a country that believes in the International Court of Justice (ICJ),” the ambassador said.

He pointed out that Kuala Lumpur had itself twice called upon the ICJ regarding territorial disputes with Indonesia and then Singapore.

In the first case the court had ruled in Malaysia’s favor, and in the second against it, but both times the country had accepted the ICJ's judgment, said Saw, recalling the words of the Malaysian foreign minister that the ICJ was "not an ideal institution but that it is the best we currently have".

When asked about his country's view of recognition of Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence, the ambassador pointed out that Malaysia had not recognized Kosovo yet, and voiced his expectation that things would remain as they were in the coming period.

“Malaysia has not recognized Kosovo yet,” the ambassador said, adding that Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić had convinced his prime minister that they should continue to support this policy.

Despite huge pressure to recognize Kosovo, Malaysian leaders decided to wait, he said, adding that Malaysia’s current position was to wait for Serbia's initiative before the UN General Assembly before taking any further action.


"Little change in U.S. policy expected"

A U.S. expert says there'll be few changes in U.S. policy towards Serbia and the Balkans, whoever wins the U.S. election.

Politics Saturday, August 30, 2008 15:59 Comments: 4
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