1. why did kermabon change his stance regarding the UN Umbrella thing? now he wants to replace the defunct EU Pillar IV with his EULEX. what a move!
    (branco covic, 22 August 2008 17:15)
  2. Kosova is in Europe and I don't figure it out why Serbia is against an EU istitution like EULEX...)
    (EA, 21 August 2008 20:28)
  3. "EULEX Chief Yves de Kermabon says that EULEX is a technical mission and has nothing to do with Kosovo’s status".

    Couldn't be said better: teh political status is SOLVED based on the will of the ppl that live in Kosova the voice for independece is 95 out of 100.
    (ben, 21 August 2008 20:17)