MI6, Diana, and Balkans

LONDON -- An investigation revealed connections between the MI6 British Secret Intelligence Service and the Balkans.

Source: Beta
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  1. Sorry, Dodik's father, back on his farm in Laktasi, knew that MI6 were going to kill Diana? Did the aliens tell him that?
    (Dave, 28 February 2008 22:58)
  2. I am sorry, but bmrusila, do you ever read these news articles or do you just come to conclusions just from the titles?
    (Ptoleme X., 28 February 2008 08:31)
  3. I really don’t get it now? Are they actually trying to put all the blame on Serbs? What Milosevic or radical nationalist from Serbia have to do with Princess Diana’s murder. Dodik’s father is right, British security is the one to blame because they were ordered to murder princess Diana and her fiancé.

    Another possibility might be that they murdered her because she was very active in its mission that promoted ban on mines.
    (bmrusila, 27 February 2008 13:51)