1. In response to the posting by "Buzz" that Serbia is the economic power in the region, without any poverty or suffering. This is madness. Serbia is an isolated economic wreck. Even the Bulgarians! and the Romanians! have passed Serbia and become happier, wealthier, and more integrated into the world.

    Serbia is being strangled in a web of denial and international isolation. It is time for Serbs in Serbia to love Serbia first, and that means giving up their dreams of "Gross Serbia" and focusing on making a life for the children of Serbia itself.

    As to the claims that more Serbs died in Bosnia than Kosovo, true, true. But as several recent demographic reports have mutually confirmed, the majority of Serb civilians killed in Bosnia were killed by the VRS during the Siege of Sarajevo. (It has been conveniently forgotten that over 200,000 Serbs stayed loyal to BiH during the war, including the majority of the urban, educated classes.)

    For the sake of the Serbian people, it is time for Serbia to face its past, if it ever wishes to have a prosperous future. Belgrade used to be the envy of Southeastern Europe, now Serbs are forced to be beggers and despised migrant workers in countries we all used to laugh at in the Yugoslav era. Dosta.
    (Zlatko P, 27 February 2008 11:22)
  2. Dear US this is what you get when you establish an entity based on ethnic cleansing like RS, remember Dayton
    (ben, 27 February 2008 09:54)
  3. "one of the best governments in the region"

    The nickname of the prime minister of Kosovo(which was given to him by Kosovo ALbanians during the war) is "the snake".....nuff said.
    (Peter V, 27 February 2008 04:50)
  4. Liam,

    You are not the first person on these forums to express concern for Serbia's "bad image". Rubbish! I think Serbia has a brilliant image - standing up to bullying, respecting international law, resisting the carving up of their country, defying the new imperialists, standing up for their rights etc etc. If only a few more countries were as principled.
    (Tom O'Donoghue, 27 February 2008 00:26)
  5. Liam I can bet my life you are an Albanian by your comment, which comes as no surprise since Albanians seem to love B92 so much...

    Your comment couldn't be farther from the truth really. Both Kostunica in Serbia and Dodik in RS are the most patriotic officials we could ever hope for besides bringing back to life our long dead kings who truly fought for the Serb people. Kosovo has the best government? HA ya right since 70% of them are ex-terrorists and current mafia leaders. Ya great government you got there...

    Where did you get the idea that Serbia or RS are suffering or isolated? Quite the opposite we seem to be getting much attention the way I see it. Need I remind you Serbia is the economic power in the Balkans? So where is this "poverty" and "suffering" of the Serbian people? The Serbs in Kosovo yes since Albanians do the only thing they know, terrorize them which makes the lives of Serbs very difficult in the province.

    RS is years ahead of FB&H counterpart in Bosnia. So why shouldn't they leave? More Serbs died in Bosnia than Albanians can even clam to have died in Kosovo (3000) If Kosovo can go then so can RS. No more double standards, Serbs in Bosnia want their freedom from Bosnians and Croats.

    I don't however believe these protests should turn to rioting, not for the sake of some stupid US consulate which I don't care for but just so the police and people protesting don't hurt each other.
    (buzz, 26 February 2008 22:27)
  6. Serbs have every right to believe that they are represented by the worst politicians on earth. How can the RS be both against Kosovo Independence, and for the independence of the RS? Its the same with politcians like Kostunica, as they are leading their people to isolation, continued poverty and conflict. Of course, there was a small number of hooligans in Banja Luka, as in Belgrade and on the borderpost with Kosovo, but they shame the nation and give such a bad image for Serbia.Kosovo is a happy and forward looking place, with one of the best governments in the region. By contrast Serbia is slowly being strangled by its politicans. i
    (Liam, 26 February 2008 20:53)
  7. It's a shame they weren't able to get in - so they can show their "harmony" like ablanians did to our churches/monastaries.
    (Ratko, 26 February 2008 17:55)