1. I think, there is no sense if we fight here everyday. Let's wait and see what time has to offer us, and than we'll be an able to discuss about other matters....
    (PO, 15 February 2008 23:17)
  2. Many Kosovo Serbs use generators as they are used to Albanians cutting off the electricity supply for them in the middle of winter.
    (ida, 15 February 2008 19:39)
  3. Guys,

    you have forgotten that there are Serbs living in Kosova too. If there is not power for Albanians than there is no power for Serbs too.
    Or maybe thay are not as Serbs as you , they are not real Serbs are they.
    (Olf, 15 February 2008 11:39)
  4. Don't worry albanians, Hashim Thaci himself will never run out of electricity in his luxurious villa. I am sure that he will get a direct supplie of diesel from NATO forces so he can continue to "lead" his people in the hard times to come...

    He might start a energy company or take over KEK as a director, just to profit on the situation, but that wouldn't be anything new from a former guerilla leader with blood on his hands.

    For the other people? Take the advice of an albanian poster here a while and buy a small generator, you will be needing it. How you will be able to afford the gas to run it will be a different thing, of course the brothels in Pristina will afford it, but not the ordninary albanians. But it doesn't matter, they will have their qvasi-"freedom" !
    (Srboslav, 15 February 2008 10:49)
  5. Learn some history, then come back to this forum.
    (My too sense. . ., 14 February 2008 22:33)

    Read at least one history book not written be a Serbian historian, and then come back to this forum.
    (blero, 15 February 2008 10:29)
  6. Would that be the panel of the same intelectuals who are writing albanian history and turist brochures.
    Oh boy -it will only get darker and colder
    (lids, 14 February 2008 23:44)
  7. Elton -

    Are you kidding me?

    We Serbs kicked the Turks out of the Balkans. . .they were in no position to offer us anything.

    By the way. . .which people converted to Islam on masse during the Turk occupation to garner favor from their moslem masters?

    Learn some history, then come back to this forum.
    (My too sense. . ., 14 February 2008 22:33)
  8. sir elton:

    depends on your perspective. serbs didn't move into anatolia, murder, rape, and terrorize the locals. serbs weren't rewarded for 'bad behaviour.' (to quote tony blair)
    (joe, 14 February 2008 22:21)
  9. Seems like most Serbs here have a price on freedom. I'm sure you guys back in the days when you won your independence from the Ottomans would have accepted autonomy or whatever offer the Turks would have in store for you for electricity, water, or whatever other energy needs you'd have had.

    Let me reiterate it for you again, THERE IS NO PRICE ON FREEDOM!!!
    (Elton, 14 February 2008 20:38)
  10. Ha,Ha, Ha, Belgrade hasn't even cut his power yet, and Thaci is already declaring an energy crisis! In the near futur Thaci will be declaring many more such crisis. My advice to Mr. Thaci is this: get used to living in the dark, not just in terms of electricity, but economically as well. 70% of Albanians in Kosovo don't have jobs, and that number is destined to rise the minute Thaci declares his illegal, & invalid UDI! Thaci better pray that Belgrade doesn't cut his gas too, because then he'll be celebrating his UDI in the cold and the dark! Thaci is leading his followers nowhere, except for poverty and ruin.

    I suppose Thaci plans to beg the EU to bail him out. I suppose it could work for a while, but eventually people get sick of throwing their hard earned money away on hopeless charity cases, especially when they get no return on their investment!

    The illegal and immoral folly of "independent kosova" is doomed to failure before the whole thing even gets started. Serbia will take care of her loyal citizens in the north, while Thaci's followers live in poverty in the dark, and in the cold. All the while kosovo will remain legally part of Serbia where it belongs, via UNSC Resolution 1244.
    (Rod, 14 February 2008 19:25)
  11. If that isn't irony.... then I don't know what is. No reliable electricity, no reliable water supply, corrupt companies, corrupt politicians. Are we talking about the EU-US protectorate Kosovo, or Afghanistan? Hey Albanians, careful of that independence party.... I think the hangover will be a long and painful one.
    (Jess, 14 February 2008 19:08)
  12. Don't forget the water shortage too that will have knock on effects to energy supply but then what exactly should an illegal entity expect - free supply??? In months to come many will realise the folly of illegal secession and it won't be long before blood fueds Kanu will be invoked again and again as the infighting begins!
    (Princip, UK, 14 February 2008 19:07)
  13. Where does Kosovo get their energy from to begin with?
    (Stephen, 14 February 2008 19:07)
  14. Oh, so Taci is an expert on the power grid now, huh? He's truly a multifaceted genius! Just like Al Gore invented the internet.
    (joe, 14 February 2008 17:55)