1. i agree that albanians in kosovo should celebrate, it's a good way to ease tension. i remember in june 1999, milosevic was organizing celebrations because serbia defeated nato he said. it was all over his media. this kinda thing is done sometimes. what i would like to know is this: say on sunday, albanians declare independence. serbia rejects it, un doesnt even debate it. what will have changed for albanians on monday? economically it will be worse no doubt. serbs in north will reject it, so that the un-eu-nato controlled territory we know as kosovo today will even be shrinking.
    i'm sure one hundred years of separatism with nothing to show for it, no unification with albania, no independence either, is frustrating and difficult. so, celebrate, that's better than burning churches from unesco's heritage list ;)
    but i suggest when you actually have borders, and have an army that secures them, your judges in your courts, your police and seat at the un, you should celebrate independence. otherwise people will say you're not serious :)
    but i like you all the same or even more, because i'm seldom serious myself so i identify with that attitude :)
    remember, albanians, you believe that you were a constituent part of form. yugo. then, do not accept less than other parts, why are you worse than slovenia, croatia, monte, macedonia, serbia and even unfortunate bosnia?
    demand to have your state borders, your un seat, your flag at east river, your army, the works.
    do not fail me now ;)
    and keep us posted on the investment boom. when status settles, investments follow, that's the rule. hm.

    will kosovo's status have settled though, what do you think? or are we just starting in more ways than one... time will tell.
    (smile, 14 February 2008 21:52)
  2. What a farce this is! Russia blocked the normal proceedings of UNSC with the threat of a veto when Ahtisaari package was on the table, and now it wants to use the same body to get its way. Peaceful solution? The reason why Russia blocked the vote on Ahtisaari was exactly to incite conflict in the region, hoping that Albanians would start rioting and Kosova would become a second Palestine.
    Let the UNSC vote on two parallel resolutions: One to implement Ahtisaari as proposed by the West and to recognize Kosova as independent and in UN and the second to prevent Kosova's independence as proposed by Russia. With the agreement that no veto will be used in both resolutions, only a majority vote. And let's see which one will win and which one will lose.
    (Adrian Gashi, 14 February 2008 20:45)
  3. Afrim, Done Deal

    Your concern over the spending of Serbian taxpayers money is touching.
    Get off the stage!
    (Tom O'Donoghue, 14 February 2008 19:57)
  4. International law remains and 1244 remains - illegal declaration followed by illegal recognition represents by those participating nations in NATO qualifies as an illegal occupation - now lets just leave it that this is no different in that respect then illegal occupation of any other UN recognised member state - can the UN turn a blind eye to that? Maybe the ones acting Illegally would like to think so but they need to realise they are thus in breah and are acting as violent occupiers as far as Serbian sovereignty is concerned - time will come when all diplomatic and legal channels have been persued and if the illegal occupiers remain then that does leave very little option bar one!
    (Princip, UK, 14 February 2008 18:38)
  5. Russia can block SC resolutions, but it can't pass resolutions by itself. US could veto any resolutions just like Russia could. So it's useless to go to SC, it's been rendered useless as an organization. What does Serbia except to get out of UNSC with just Russia's help?
    (AC, 14 February 2008 16:57)
  6. Another wasted trip all at the expense of the Serbian taxpayer
    (Done Deal, 14 February 2008 16:06)
  7. It is the last time that Serbia has the chance to cry with "crocodile" tears.
    It is ALL OVER.
    Unfortunately Vuk Jeremic decided to spend some more money of serb taxes in order to come to the United Nations here in New York.
    Vuk Jeremic seems to be a smart person, but unfortunately he is being dictated by Kostunica.
    (Afrim Hoxha, 14 February 2008 14:51)
  8. Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić will take part in the meeting and voice Serbia's fierce opposition.

    It looks as though Vuk and his crew are still having trouble reading between the lines.

    The last paragraph says it all.

    “Diplomats in New York do not expect the meeting to result in anyone changing their position.”
    (Done Deal, 14 February 2008 14:34)
  9. Guys, tomorrow, Friday 15 February, 2008 is the Big Day. Kosova will be declared independent. Congratulations to all of us. This means that today's session of the SC of UN is completely usseles. (B92,I hope that this time you won't ignore my comment. You are not enough efficient, are you)
    (belokapac, 14 February 2008 12:06)